Hurricane Season on the Island

Jun 03, 2009 05:09

The Basics
Name/Nickname: Jo
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Likes: Cats and most other animals, Traveling, Strawberries, Drawing, Cooking, Manga, Trauma Center video game series, Sleeping in late, College Football, Family gatherings, Nascar, Pontiac cars, American Muscle cars, Bright colors, Hurricanes, Discovery Channel, and Sweet iced tea.
Dislikes: Spicy foods, falling asleep at the computer, clothes shopping, migraines, Golf, children and their high-pitched squeals, fleas, never having enough computer space.
Goals: I hope to one day go into some sort of animal research, but I'm currently thinking that I'll go after a Master's in Business Administration, because you can do practically any field with that, and it helps get further into the things I might want to do one day. I'm in no hurry.
Fears: I don't have any huge and life-altering phobias, but I'm scared of falling to my death and I get really really nervous when I drive in heavy rain.
Talents: Good with animals, Cooking, Compromising skills, and I'm able to smile at people, genuinely, no matter how bad I really feel.
Hobbies: Spending time with my three four cats, surfing the net, RPing, reading, watching football and Nascar, bird-watching, drawing, cooking, eating, and generally wasting time pretending I'm doing something important.
Strong points: Sympathetic for others, Polite, Loyal, Supportive, Friendly, Gets along well with almost anyone, Perfectionist, and can shift my point-of-view easily to understand where someone is coming from.
Weak points: Lazy and Procrastinating, Apathetic of situations, Too trusting of people, Puts everyone else in front of me. For the reasons listed as my strong points, I can fall easily to more manipulative people and get used or stepped-on.

The Attitude
Mature or Immature: Both. "Maturely immature." I know when I can act like a kid and when I need to behave myself, and I'm capable of either at any given time.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic. I'm more optimistic than not, hoping that every situation will benefit someone or will turn positive again eventually.
Outgoing or Shy: Both. I can be shy around new people and I don't like to be the first to jump out and do something, or get in the way of someone else's chance for accomplishment (even if it means pushing aside my own chance). But with friends and in the right mood, I'm a very open person and will be the first to act silly or foolish in public.
Calm or Energetic: Calm. Well, technically, I think I can be both depending on the situation, but I'd be more calm than energetic because I tend to be very apathetic in most situations, or I step back and allow other people to get ahead. I also don't get stressed easily.
Brains or Brawn: Brains. I don't fight and I'm not that strong anyways. I rather like to think and talk about things than have any physical confrontation.
Controlled or Impulsive: Controlled. I think too much about the consequences and other people's feelings to do anything impulsive that might annoy people.
Determined or Passive: Passive. I've got a terrible tendency of putting other people first, I just tend to go with the flow. I'm also not very ambitious, although I try to find things that I am passionate about.
Ignorant or Informed: Both. I like to be informed and I love learning new things, but I usually end up very ignorant over the topic anyways.
Patient or Impatient: Impatient. I can force patience when I need to, but when I have my mind set on a deadline I expect everyone else to follow it and I hate waiting around for people.
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate. My feelings always sympathize with both sides of a conflict, so I find it hard to judge and demand justice for people who "do wrong."
Confident or Modest: Modest. Like whoa. Confidence levels could be a lot higher. I always overly apologize and second-guess myself.

Island Survival Questions
If you suddenly found yourself on an island with a family member or friend and couldn't remember anything more then just being in front of your computer before waking up on the strange island, what are some of things you would most likely do? Look for other people and anything that might lead us to figure out how we ended up here in the first place.

You find yourself beside five different items from your home that are your most favorite things on this island, what are these five things? My laptop, my DS, my iPod, my cat Louis, and my pillow.

There's also a backpack next to these five items and inside there's a pocketknife and three more brand new and useful items/things not from your home. What are they? Lantern flashlight (you know, one of the biiiiiig handheld ones), tarp, and a lighter. xD

Now with your backpack, pocket knife, and the other eight items you have, explain how you'd use these things to survive realistically on an island for a full two days and a night: My items are useless. The pocket knife for hunting/gathering. Light for night movement, Tarp for shelter (with my pillow~!), and a lighter to light a fire.

Depending on your Answer Questions (after question one please remove the questions you don't answer below or feel free to answer them all but color the questions you originally answered in green)

If you had to pick, would you search for a town that might not exist on this island or search for food? I'd probably be in the process of doing BOTH. How hard is it to look for both? Search might not be as effective without full attention to my prey, but if it can work we can look for a restauraunt of sorts at the same time.
2-1) * If you have picked to search for a town, you eventually find a town with kind people who feed you and let you sleep in a inn for a night for free. However you and your friend wake up to find out the town's people's kindness was because they believe your friend is something called Merines. You know this very well something untrue. If it were up to you, would you tell the town's people the truth or have you and your friend keep it to yourselves? why? Perhaps be a little vague at first, to see how psycho the people might be if I tell them how wrong they are, and then lie until I can figure out where I am and what I can do next.

2-2) * If you have picked to search for food, your friend ends up being kidnapped by some bandit. So for the entire night you end up searching for your kidnapped friend and find yourself sleeping in the forest almost starving and waking up to a Dame (female knight) who not feeds you the most disgusting tasting food in this world but saves your friend by herself as you recover from starvation. When she comes back with your friend, how would you thank her? or would you thank her at all? I would thank her for the retrieval and return of my friend. It's the least I could do for her help because my friend's life was important to me.
3-1-2) * If you continued to lie, eventually a Dame (female knight) comes back with a brother and sister, the sister provingly being a real Merines. The town's people's throw you in jail for lying. However it isn't long after an elderly lady lets you and your friend out but wants you to do some sort of community service to day back the town's people. It's your choice, so what service would you do to pay back these people? in order to get out of jail? Almost anything she asks of me. I'll clean the streets, wash the windows, clean the inside of her home, cook, sort books or other collections. Anything.

3-2-1) * If you thanked her for she takes you back to town and leaves you with some money to survive on. What would you use most of this money on? Supplies that would help me get to where I need to be going. Food.

Anything else? The first half was copy/pasted, for the most part, so not to change my answers or sway towards any specific character.
If it helps, I have been stamped as Ion and my Symphonia results are leaning heavily to Colette.

!needs votes: legendia

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