Game Rules

May 19, 2009 20:32

♠ General Rules ♠

♠ The rules are law. This should go without saying. We're here to have fun and enjoy rp'ing together, but the rules are written for reasons and must be followed at all times.

♠ Respect each other. This is first and foremost a requirement. Bullying, harassing or any sort of OOC drama is not allowed. Take it elsewhere.

♠ The moderators are all-powerful. Their final ruling is law and is not subject to negotiation. They have the right to ban members if necessary, and operate on the “three strike” rule.

♠ If problems arise, please take it to the moderators. They will evaluate the issue and take whatever steps necessary to resolve it.

♠ Game Rules ♠

♠ Acairnia is Pan-Fandom. Pan-Fandom hosts characters from multiple fandom universes, including games, anime, books, movies, ect. “Crack” fandoms - IE Spongebob Squarepants - are not allowed.

♠ Characters must be reserved before applications are posted. This rule holds true for the fandom characters, but OC's are not required to reserve, as they are not part of a fandom and are of the player's own imagination. Reserves generally last one week, but players are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible.

♠ Each player has a limit of seven (7) characters - fandom and OC included, but are only allowed two (2) characters per fandom, so please think wisely before reserving and applying. Also, for each original character you play, you must have one fandom character, as well.

♠ A player may reserve as many as seven (7) characters in a single reserve comment, but applications must be posted individually for each character.

♠ Different versions of the same character are not allowed. An example being if Cloud is already taken from Final Fantasy VII, the Kingdom Hearts version can not be applied for. The same goes for any of the other doubles. Final Fantasy VII Tifa, Yuffie or Aerith and Final Fantasy VIII Squall, Seifer, Selphie or any of the characters mentioned from Final Fantasy X.

♠ Original characters are allowed, but their applications are closely examined by the moderators and they are automatically placed on a two week “probation” period. If during this period the mods witness any sort of “sueish” behavior, the player will be asked to reevaluate his character appropriately. Once the probation is over, they will be allowed to freely progress further into the rp. However, if any “sueish” or god-modding behavior is reported by the original character, the mods will take appropriate steps to remove the character from the rp. If a player's original character is accepted into the rp, he/she will be expected to apply for a canon character as well to keep the balance even.

♠ God-modding is not allowed. This means that one player’s character cannot control the actions of another player’s character; I.E. post what the other character should feel, say, do, ect. Players are more than welcome to discuss plots outside of the rp, however, and use them in the logs or in action tags for character journals. But such plots are to be discussed before they appear in the rp. No exceptions.

♠ Posting requirements are as follows: Players must post in each of their character's journals or participate in a minimum of one log every two weeks. Logs only take place in acairna_logs, comment threads are done in character journals. Action tags do not substitute for a log post. Activity checks will be done at the mod’s discretion, and characters that have not posted within the requirements will be removed from the active rp and others will have the chance to reserve and apply for that character.

♠ Please stay in character. Characters are naturally expected to develop over the course of rp, but please keep in mind the character’s personality and traits during the rp and have them act accordingly.

♠ If a player goes on hiatus or drops a character, please notify the moderators here. If a player drops a character, a two-week wait period is required before that player can apply for another character in the rp.

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♠ Character Journals and the Log Community ♠

♠ Journal posts are primarily for first person character entries, be they action, voice or text. Action tags in journals are customarily written in third person-present (or past tense if preferred) tense and placed inside brackets. Quotations for characters speaking are not necessary for an action tag in a journal.

Example: [He looked for the rope under the rock.] Hey, I can't find it!

♠ When your character is accepted, he/she is required to make an "intro post". Basically what this means is that your character must somehow find themselves on the island. Everyone enters through the elevators at the Main Office. You may write them there, or in their rooms, wherever, but they will have to have passed through the Main Office, regardless. Your character may not comment to any other entries until this post is made, nor may he/she go back through the entries and add comments, as your character was not present on the island when they were made.

There is an exception to that rule, however. Your character, for whatever reason, may scroll through the PDA logs and make a TEXT entry to another character's previous post, but it must be labeled as such in the comment subject line. Otherwise, it's a no-go.

♠ Alternately, log entries are customarily entered in third person past tense with full grammar quotations. These read more or less like a novel would.

Example: He looked around for minute, but couldn’t find the rope. “Hey! I can’t find it!”

The format for posting in the log community is found here.

♠ Acairnia does allow logs and posts of a sexual and/or violent nature, but all such material must be placed in a locked entry and kept behind a LJ-cut. Please note that there may be members under the age of 18 in the rp and it is good practice to be respectful to those who might be underage or find such content objectionable.

♠ Status Tags: The following indicate the status of logs in the log community. The status of the log must be placed in the subject line of the log entry.

"In Progress" - logs that are still active; players still posting
"Open" - logs available for any character to join
"Closed" - logs only available for certain characters, not everyone
"Complete" - for logs that are finished completely
"Incomplete" - for logs that are not complete but players have stopped posting

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♠ OOC Community ♠

♠ The "Out-of-Character" Community is for the players only. It is a place to post introductions, hiatus and/or drop notices, as well as any other information pertaining to the rp.

♠ When posting an application, please use the phrase "I wonder if there's a gift shop." in the journal entry section.

♠ For the sake of clarity, please be sure to include subject tags when posting in the OOC comm, so everyone will have a good idea of what to expect.

♠ For more information and questions, please see the FAQ.

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