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Jun 22, 2009 23:39

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♦ Black Annis ♦

A crone with blue skin and long claws made of iron, Black Annis stands just over six feet tall. Her skin is wrinkled and dried over a near skeletal, hunched frame. Wispy white hair frizzes in all directions and falls down her naked back, hiding the jutting bones. Black Annis wears the skins of children over her chest and around her waist, taken from her preferred victims before she kills and eats them. When children are unavailable, she prefers to dine on anyone of innocent mind or body.

Black Annis cannot be killed. Severed body parts pull back together and she regenerates with alarming speed. She regenerates the slowest from burns caused by fire or holy water. She can be held back by certain seals, or driven away by blinding light.

♦ Buggane ♦

Bugganes are very large, troll-like creatures covered in shaggy, dark hair. They can walk upright, but prefer to walk on their feet and fists like a gorilla, since their legs are much shorter than their arms. They have wide hands with spade-like claws, tusks protruding upward from the bottom jaws of their very large mouths, and can reach heights of more than 14 feet.

In spite of their size, Bugganes are surprisingly good burrowers, able to tunnel half a mile in an hour. Disliking open spaces, bugganes prefer to trap their prey by digging close to the surface so that the ground collapses beneath the victim. Bugganes may wait for prey, or may make several traps and come back later to check. Bugganes are mostly solitary and are susceptible to weapons and fire.

♦ Cerberus ♦

The eternal guardian, Cerberus resides deep within the dense jungle in the island's interior. He resembles a massive jackal, is nearly 25 feet in length and little over half as tall, and has three heads and a mane of black serpents. Dark gray fur covers the rest of his form, turning white on his underbelly.

The right head is capable of spewing acid, the left one has breath of icy cold, and the middle breathes flames and drips burning gases. Each head has eye colors corresponding to their abilities, green, blue, and orange.

Cerberus will remain in his den, content to slumber until someone is foolish enough to cause a great disturbance on the island. Completely in tune with his domain, if such occurs the beast will hunt him or her down with unparalleled ferocity.

Cerberus is completely immortal and immune to all attacks, charms, and holy or pure devices. Once on the hunt he cannot be stopped until he has devoured his prey whole and alive. There is only one place on the island that is beyond his grasp, and that has yet to be discovered.

♦ Draug ♦

A manifestation of the living dead, draugs are humanoid and constantly in a state of decay. Unlike revenants, draugs are territorial and are capable of plotting and thinking, even wielding weapons.

They are immune to weapons, can reattach limbs, and can cross a salt line. Holy water burns them, but mildly. A draug can only be killed if it is beheaded and immediately burned.

♦ Drop Bear ♦

Drop bears, unlike most of the population after dark, are incredibly cute and relatively small. They look rather like koalas with the addition of a short, goat-like tail that is constantly twitching. How the drop bears feed, however, is anything but cute. As the name implies, they wait in trees and drop on any unsuspecting victim that walks by, mauling off the ears, scalp, and face of the person as they try to get to the main course; the brain. Drop bears are immune to holy water and salt, but are killable in many other fashions.

♦ Faceless ♦

A type of undead with pale, nearly translucent skin but no outward sign of decay. They are quick, agile and strong. They look mostly human, with the notable exception that they have no face. No eyes, ears, hair, or nose, only a gaping, misshapen hole for a mouth.

The Faceless cannot hear, see, or smell in the conventional sense, but they have an acute sense of smell via glands on their tongues and fingers, which are used much like a snake uses his tongue to detect things it can't otherwise see or hear. The faceless don't fancy their victims primarily for food, rather they want what they do not have; a face.

With gruesome meticulousness, once they capture a victim they will peel his or her skin off from the neck up, often while the person is alive and conscious. Once the skinning is done, they will feed, and afterwards wear the skin of their victim in place of their own "face". Unlike some of their undead "kin", faceless are very weak to holy water and cannot cross a salt line. To kill them, they must be either decapitated or burned entirely.

♦ Leucrota ♦

A cloven hoofed quadruped, 3 to 4 feet tall at the shoulder. The body of a leucrota resembles a deer, yet the neck and chest are covered in shaggy, thick fur like a lion and the tail is similarly fashioned, being long with a tuft of fur at the end. The head resembles that of a badger, with jaws that open all the way back beneath the ears.

Leucrota are viscious and deadly hunters, using the ridge of bone that serves as their teeth to crush anything their victim may use to keep them at bay, even metal. Leucrota are known to lure prey away from safety by mimicking the voices of familiar people, calling for help or otherwise beckoning. They can be killed a variety of ways, but note that while only one may be visible, Leucrota are prone to hunting in packs.

♦ Mandrake ♦

A small demon, never more than two feet tall, shaped like a small child with reddish skin. Mandrakes' fingers and toes end in root-like twists with no fingernails. Their eyes are yellow or black, and their mouths open all the way under their ears to reveal rows of teeth like a shark. Though small, mandrakes are relentless and hunt in large packs, tearing through their prey like large piranhas, not even leaving bones behind. Mandrakes are weak against salt, holy water, and fire, but will regenerate if cut and duplicate if dismembered.

♦ Vampire ♦

The highest form of undead, vampires are incredibly fast, agile, and strong. Human in appearance except for the paper-white skin and the face of a week old corpse, they are in no way attractive or seductive. Long fangs protrude from salivating mouths below sunken eyes and cheeks.

They feed on blood and ensnare weaker prey with a hypnotic gaze, getting close enough to wound and feed. Vampires rarely kill a victim before they've drunk their fill of the blood, as the blood of a dead person is toxic to them. They may hunt in packs under and alpha vampire or singularly if they are strong.

Vampires have a strong allergy to garlic, are weak against holy water, but are not affected by salt or silver. Vampires have heightened senses, so piercing sounds and blinding light may also drive them away. A stake of any kind through the heart will incapacitate them, but to be killed they must be beheaded and burned.

♦ Wendigo ♦

A humanoid monster, 8 to 15 feet tall, which craves human flesh. A wendigo may gorge themselves on the bodies of several victims (often not entirely dead) without ever being sated.

Extremely strong, fast and agile, wendigos walk upright, but run on all fours. They have bloated stomachs, but their bodies are otherwise emaciated and gaunt. Long, misshapen claws extend from their fingers and toes, and yellowed, jagged teeth protrude up to three inches out of the maw, uncovered as wendigos tend to worry their own lips off in hunger.

They are covered in papery skin that is usually gray or yellow, dotted with sparse patches of hair, and often have open, rotting sores. A wendigo's presence is sometimes preceded by the stench of decaying flesh.

Wendigos are afraid of fire, as it is one of their few weaknesses. Decapitation is the only other method of killing a wendigo. Wedigos populate the areas of Acairnia with dense vegetation and tend to stay away from open areas.


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