In case you haven't heard, the Teen Wolf finale leaked. I just finished watching it. I did not like this season over all and I was looking forward to the season ending so I could finally get back to enjoying the fandom without the episodes encroaching on my fun. So I was predisposed to hating the finale too, but I did not.
The plot held together with chewing gum and a piece of string again and if I'd had a say I would've changed some things, but it was so much better than the S2 finale. It was enough for me and provided interesting springboards for fic. That's all I ask. What I absolutely loved was the final scene. Jeff delivered the perfect hyper-dramaticed, over-the-top final scene. It was such a perfect summation of all that is Teen Wolf at its best and at its worst.
This season's final scene made me laugh like a hyaena (which I doubt was the intention but whatever). It was perfection. Instead of saying good riddance and washing my hands of the canon, I am half-in-love with the show again just for the epic bullshit of the last scene.
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