Letter to Writer for tw_holidays

Sep 13, 2013 21:50

Hello, dearest writer!

As promised here is some more information about my likes and dislikes. I cannot wait to see what you'll come up with. Don't worry, I'm quite easy to please.

Derek, Stiles, Allison and Cora are my favourites. My heart belongs to Derek/Stiles to a ridiculous degree but I did not request them because there are so many other things I would love to get more of in this fandom.

I like the idea of Lydia/Stiles in the future but I'd love them to be close friends first. I have a soft spot for Derek/Jennifer. Fluff is good but I like complex better. Don't feel like your fic has to have romance and a happy ending. I like dark, complicated and messed up stuff (see Kate/Derek, Peter/Stiles, Derek/Jennifer etc.) and ambiguous or sad endings, too. I prefer AUs/alternate realities that have a connection to canon.

I would also love non-shippy fics focused on Allison, Kate, Boyd, Cora or Braeden. Feel free to ignore canon deaths. If Peter can do it, they can do it. ;) I love not-so-fluffy Stiles, competent Allison, no-nonsense Cora and Derek being a bit of a reluctant hero.

If inspiration takes you that way, I'd really love to read a fic that involves the nemeton and its power in some way. Or maybe something about the emissaries, the Argents, the Hales and their history.

I don't particularly care for kid fic, coffee shop/bakery AUs or Stiles as pack mom. I am perfectly happy with kink fic, but I have to veto knife play in any shape or form, it makes me queasy. I don't much like A/B/O dynamics, especially if there's 'breeding' involved. I adore Scott & Stiles' friendship so no Scott bashing or Stiles putting down Scott, please. I ship Peter/death so please no fluffy sassy!Peter trope. I hate Jackson and don't particularly care for Isaac. I hate it when characters use 'like a girl' as an insult.

If this is not enough, my Teen Wolf bookmarks on pinboard should give you more of an idea of what I like. Or maybe the Teen Wolf tag on my Tumblr will prove inspirational.

Consider the above mere suggestions. Feel free to go wherever the muse takes you. :)

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