Title: P is for Puzzled Parent Author: ACarlGeek e-mail: ACarlGeek@yahoo.com Rating: All ages Length: 326 words Genre: Gen, Jacob Carter, Jacob Alphabet SoupCategory: Vignette
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Thank you. One doesn't make General by letting important inconsistancies slide....
I knew you'd like the throwaway Barbie comment. :-) Having been in the situation where I was given boring girly gifts (like dolls) while my brothers got much more entertaining trucks and erector sets, I could certainly see poor Barbie lying forlornly on the floor of Sam's closet until Sam got a COOL outfit to put on her, and then naturally, Barbie would need her OWN spacesuit so she and Matt could work together on projects out in space. :-) (Otherwise, poor Matt would have to stay inside the spaceship while Barbie/Sam did the space walk.)
Thanks for sponsoring these Genfic Days. These little ficlet ideas just wouldn't get out of my brain otherwise.
Absolutely. As I said in my reply to Fig above, one doesn't make General by letting inexplicable inconsistencies slide. Jacob would have wanted a more substantial explanation than he originally got from Sam. He needed something that logically FIT what he knew about his daughter.
Thank you! Sam got her determination and intelligence from SOMEWHERE, and Jacob certainly gave us plenty of evidence that a fair share of it came from his side of the family tree.
As covered in my long-winded explanation in my reply to Fig's comment, the reference to the Matt Mason doll (and comparison to a normally 'useless' Barbie doll) just fit too well with my personal experience as a female geek-child. It flowed well, it was very realistic to ME, it was kinda funny, it stayed in the ficlet. :-)
Comments 6
Loved that throwaway line about Sam wanting Barbie to be decked out in the same outfit as Matt Mason... :)
I knew you'd like the throwaway Barbie comment. :-) Having been in the situation where I was given boring girly gifts (like dolls) while my brothers got much more entertaining trucks and erector sets, I could certainly see poor Barbie lying forlornly on the floor of Sam's closet until Sam got a COOL outfit to put on her, and then naturally, Barbie would need her OWN spacesuit so she and Matt could work together on projects out in space. :-) (Otherwise, poor Matt would have to stay inside the spaceship while Barbie/Sam did the space walk.)
Thanks for sponsoring these Genfic Days. These little ficlet ideas just wouldn't get out of my brain otherwise.
Thank you for the feedback! :-)
As covered in my long-winded explanation in my reply to Fig's comment, the reference to the Matt Mason doll (and comparison to a normally 'useless' Barbie doll) just fit too well with my personal experience as a female geek-child. It flowed well, it was very realistic to ME, it was kinda funny, it stayed in the ficlet. :-)
Thank you, again.
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