Alright! Before I go to bed. America asked about the
comment counter in channel, so I thought I'd dig it out and see how my own characters are doing!
Sohma Kyou (
acatisntfinetoo): 4,891 comments (50.21%), played since 2007-02-24 (601 days at 8 comments/day)
Sasahara Kanji (
usin_ur_images): 1,345 comments (13.81%), played since 2007-04-23 (543 days at 2 comments/day)
Sakurazaki Setsuna (
7_of_swords): 1,371 comments (14.07%), played since 2007-05-20 (516 days at 3 comments/day)
Death of the Discworld (
takes_a_holiday): 283 comments (2.91%), played since 2007-07-02 (473 days at 1 comment/day)
Hinata Fuyuki (
occultisfinetoo): 441 comments (4.53%), played since 2008-03-29 (202 days at 2 comments/day)
Zelgadis Greywords (
epic_shale): 433 comments (4.45%), played since 2008-08-23 (55 days at 8 comments/day)
Miyako (
starving_artist): 197 comments (2.02%), played since 2008-10-11 (6 days at 33 comments/day)
Jenny Wakeman (
normalteenrobot): 700 comments (7.19%), played from 2007-03-25 to 2008-06-20 (454 days at 2 comments/day)
Scrooge McDuck (
blessmebagpipes): 80 comments (0.82%), played from 2007-12-16 to 2008-06-20 (187 days at 0 comments/day)
Total comment count: 9,741 since 2007-02-24 (601 days at 16 comments/day)
Not as tiny as I'd expected! (Poor Scrooge, though, with his less than half a comment a day.) As usual, Kyou is one of the highest. Zelgadis isn't doing too bad either... And god, look at Miyako there. SURPRISE NEW PRIMARY GET?? Well, we'll see how she does after the new-character sheen wears off. But I love having a spazzy, outgoing, says-whatever-she-wants character!