What species is your character?
Metahuman! Basically just a fancy word for a normal human with special powers, yay.
Would other characters be able to sense your character's species?
Probably everyone would be able tell tell Bart isn't "normal" anyway, since he's always moving around really fast and just generally zooming about anyway.
Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?
Bart has a connection to the Speed Force, which is where he gets his power from, so I'm not sure if other people with powers would be able to sense that at all.
Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?
Haven't we covered this!! Bart's a speedster. Speeding through life is what he does, so unless you consider being able to run at Mach 10 something you couldn't sense--
Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?
I donnn't think so...!
Can your characters thoughts be read?
In a general sense, yes, but! Bart's mind is always racing, so it would probably be difficult to actually pick anything up besides mile-a-minute chatter. Also, Bart tends to think in images a lot of the time. If someone says screwball, he literally imagines a screw and a baseball, if he thinks he can let people know about his real identity, he pictures himself walking out a jail cell, pictures a big red circle with a line through it over a math problem if he believes he doesn't need to take a math test, that sort of thing. That could also make things difficult.
Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?
Sure, but again, ever-speedy thought process, and Bart has a really short attention span for things, so it probably wouldn't be very productive.
Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?
Sure, within reason. Bart moves around a lot at superspeed, so not sure how easy it would be to spy on him.
Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?
Basically same answer as above!
Is it possible to sense your character's emotions?
Bart wears his heart on his sleeve anyway, so what you see is basically what you get.
Does your character have any mental walls or defenses up?
Haaaah, not so much.
Can your character be mind-controlled?
That's something I would want discussed beforehand!
How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?
Go for it!
Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?
I think everything is pretty fair game, but if in doubt, please feel free to ask!
How do you feel about threadjacking?
GO FOR IT. Private threads or long, serious threads would likely be a no, so a heads up if you wanted to intrude into something serious would be nice.
What about spamming your posts?
SPAM AWAY I ain't even bovvered.
How about sudden action threads?
Everything is gravy, go for it!
Can your character be imprisoned?
You can try 8( He would just vibrate himself right out of his cell, though 8(
Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
It's fine to approach!! And Bart is from the 30th century, so he's pretty technologically gifted! He grew up in a virtual reality system, and enjoys all forms of electronics.
Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?
Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?
I'd really prefer not to have that happen!