SGA 5x4 (The Daedalus Variation) thoughts (spoilers)

Aug 03, 2008 13:31

What a cool sci-fi episode. Not too many deep and meaningful things happened (for me, anyway), so I'll just share a few quick thoughts.

- Is it me, or has John and Rodney's banter been even better this season?

- Lorne totally needs to spend more time in that long-sleeve t-shirt. Seriously. And smile more.

- Ronon's chat with Teyla was just brilliant. Not only was it an interesting perspective on the whole possibility of alternate realities, it obviously really helped Teyla. (Who was clearly right there with Rodney on the panic-meter.) It also showed that Ronon does actually listen to what's being said (at least occasionally).

- Speaking of Ronon, I think John is going to make sure he gets some systems training. And maybe works on dealing with stress better.

- The rail guns and "Easy Chewie" filled my geek-girl heart with glee. As did Rodney explaining why he couldn't push the sub-lights harder. I could almost hear Scottie saying, "She can't take much more of this Cap'n. She's gonna blow!"

- It is interesting that, after two episodes of establishing Woolsey as In Charge Of Everything, he wasn't even mentioned in this episode. Sheppard and then Lorne just did what they felt needed to be done without any hint that they might have to ask permission.

- And while they were interesting, I kind of hope those aliens stay in their own reality. Michael and the Wraith are enough. Really.

sga:s5 thoughts

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