So in this section, we have . . . a lot of walking. Seriously, that is a lot of walking. I consider myself a pretty good hiker, but there is just no way I would have been able to do anything remotely like what Sunshine and Constantine do in this section. Anyone else have some good hiking stories to share? Or do we just want to talk about the book?
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Comments 7
(The general theme of reading this book is, "what? what is this thing that you've just mentioned in passing? more backstory, please!!!")
(I guess that's her secret to the infodumps? She does drop a ton of details on your head, but she's got so many in hers that there's clearly so much we don't know!)
(I want all the details. 50000 books set in this universe, please??)
Twenty miles in twelve hours is pretty brutal. Crazy backpackers (and the Roman Legions) do twenty miles in a day, but the most I've ever done was sixteen miles in maybe eight hours? I can't remember the exact time, just that we made the last ferry crossing at 5:00. Second longest day was maybe 15.75 miles in ten hours. Since we were backpacking for fun (whatever demented definition of fun includes strapping twenty-odd pounds to your back and walking for miles,) not fleeing vampires, we were well fed, with good shoes, and stopped frequently for short breaks and high calorie, high protein snacks. And still, after the brief euphoric moment of "we have arrived! We didn't miss the ferry and have to hike another four miles to the car!" sixteen-ish miles is enough to wipe me out.
So basically, I'm glad Sunshine had a helpful vampire carriage. ;) I'm pretty sure she would not have made it thirty miles in twelve hours, while barefoot, underfed and shocky.
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