Title: Not So Solid Author:accidentallymel Summary: The thing was, it was a simple plan, as far as plans went. Jack liked simple plans, they allowed a much larger margin for error.
Title: First Meetings Author:accidentallymel Summary: Gabe had gotten a good distance down the jogging path when a bright voice came from behind him. “Whatcha doin’?”
He spun around and glared at the same little girl who’d been watching him earlier. “Nothing. Beat it.”
I can be found as accidentallymelted at theselocations. AO3 is used to post all of my fic (which can be found here as well, read it using whichever platform you prefer), while Tumblr is used to reblog anything I find entertaining (which is a very large range of things) and occasionally update people on my writing progress/post
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Title: You Can't Take The Sky From Me Author:accidentallymel Beta: Still looking for one Summary: The Blue Jacket was a Series Three Firefly-class vessel, but even the legendary durability of the Firefly had limits.