Super Sekrit Steampunk Con Project!

Aug 11, 2009 20:51

Well, maybe not so secret. Hiiii everyone! This is your favourite Amber from Amber's Awesomesaucetastic Time Machine Company! Also the founder of the Steampink movement (ask for details and I shall provide!). I am in desperate need for help.

You see, there is a con in November, Thanksgiving weekend actually, just above Baltimore, MD. Darkover, and the website is over here at for details. And I have started to put together a possible Steampunk Track for programming, to be looked over and hopefully approved by the Con Chair. Unfortunately, I've only got about three hours worth of programming so far set up in steel. I've got a panel on amateur scientists in the steam era, a costuming panel, and a Chrononauts Parade (not yet run by Evelyn and GD, but somewhat modelled after it). Well, that's for sure anyway. I've got a bunch of other ideas knocking around in my head and possible commitments by people who have not yet given me a firm idea.

What I need is your help. If you are going to be attending Darkover, or would like to attend Darkover if there is a Steampunk Track, please consider emailing me at my user name plus and volunteering to help be a part of it! I would love all areas of Steampunk expertise to show their stuff and I really want everyone to be a part of this!

steampunk, life

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