I've had you friended for a while...I'm well past 18, so if you have time, pls friend me...I don't want to lose track of your updates...Thanks so much (I love you Sev banner to!)
Hi! My love for Snarry Mpreg brought me here and I would like to ask to be added to the snape_potter community. I'm definitely old enough (32) and my age is on my LJ profile. If there are any other obstacles, please let me know. Thank you.
Oh, there's nothing I love more than Snarry mpreg. ;D As for adding you to snape_potter, you've done everything right but membership has been closed temporarily. Make sure you go to the community and both friend and watch the community so that when membership opens up again one of the mods will add you immediately.
Membership is open in case you may have missed it. Please read all the requirements for new members listed on the profile page. If you have any questions, let me know.
Done. *g* Although I haven't been doind a lot of theorizing these days. I think it's close enough to the end that I'm just waiting to see what happened. Though there's some spoiler art that you may find interesting about 6 or so entries back. ;D
Comments 160
laurel_tx made the banner. She makes the most wonderful icons as well.
Still thinking of you for Snarry art. The closest thing I've created is this. LOL
I loved your ChalieBrown!Harry. Soooo adorable. Sarcasm. Hee! Only Snape would insult you and expect to be paid for it. *loves*
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