(Um. This is a meme/quiz/thingie, so it's not real. Damn.)
My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Harry gets pregnant by Severus Snape by clever use of the Goblet of Fire
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom I don't know about anyone else, but I'm too antsy to post these days. I don't want to read any last minute theories, I have no patience with fake spoilers - I just want to finish the series right. this. minute. I keep telling myself to get a grip because it's just a book, but so far that hasn't been very effective. I find that I'm not able to read much of anything new. I feel awful because I know there are authors working like crazy to get their fics done and posted before DH is released. But I just can't seem to make myself read anything in HP fandom that I haven't already read enough times to be able to quote lines from memory. Since comfort foods are no longer an option for me, I have been surrounding myself with comfort fics. Lovely old classic Snarries by beloved authors warm the insides better than hot chocolate on on a snowy day. ♥♥♥