You scored as Animal. You can seem very, very, very crazy to people, and there's really nothing more to say.
Animal 100% Beaker 67% Rowlf the Dog 50% The Great Gonzo 50% Scooter 50% Statler and Waldorf 33% Sam the Eagle 25% Dr. Bunsen Honeydew 25% Kermit the Frog 17% Fozzie the Bear 8% Miss Piggy 0% If You Were A Muppet Which Would You Be? created with
Skiving off from work as I cant be bothered with the whinging that is going on, it seems the high bosses have suddenly noticed I'm moving and want me to train people in 7 courses that run a week each
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Thats the first week of night shifts over with and I am knackered. Last night and this morning all I was doing was trying to calm down people bitching about the ATM's not working and ordering taxis for them.
Work for a bank and spend all your time calling cab firms, makes perfect sense doesnt it :P