Stolen from
unavoidedcrisis and
epiphanyx7 The first five people to comment in this post get to request a drabble* of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.
*or short ficlet. I doubt I'll write less than 300 words.
Bring on the challenges. Me wants fics to write.
What kind of fan am I? )
Comments 3
And I clearly want Sassy. Failing that (:P) I want Reid/Pogue MAKEOUTS.
A character (or two) from any fandom are at a fair or carnival and decide to visit a psychic's booth for kicks. The psychic's reading sheds light on a secret and the character is prompted to share.
A character adopts a pet and after spending time with said pet they realize that the animal is quite similar to them.
Pogue meets Gambit.
I think I probably know the one you'll choose, but...
You know you wanna.
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