gakked from emiime

Feb 11, 2009 16:17

What are your middle names? Ruth and Neil - we sound about 65!

How long have you been together? Since July 22, 2007

How long did you know each other before you started dating? Not at all- we'd met a brief time when he came to the HP Movie night

Who asked who out? Rob asked me out. Apparently he stalked me a bit on Myspace/LJ to see what I like. And then we met and apparently my too-short skirt of my HP Costume sealed the deal.

How old are each of you? I'm going to be 27 this year, he'll be 30

Whose siblings do/ did you see the most? Mine since they are closer.

Do you have any children together? Nope.

Pets? We can't have them

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Um. The dreaded Kids conversation.

Did you go to the same school? No.

Are you from the same home town? No.

Who is the smartest? We're pretty evenly matched- I'm a bit more science-y and he's a bit more literary

Who is the most sensitive? Definitely me.

Where do you eat out most as a couple? Mexico Lindo, Rob's fave Mexican place.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? to Murphys, CA for our one year anniversary. - that was about a five-six hour drive.

Who has the craziest exes? Hmmm... he has the worst, but I think I've had the craziest.

Who has the worst temper? Um. Me, probably. Rob is exceedingly chill.

Who does the cooking? Me. I'm working on getting him cooking more, but it's a definite work in progress.

Who is more social? He sees his friends more often, but I'm generally more outgoing than he is.

Who is the neat-freak? He is.

Who is the more stubborn? Hmmmm. Rob.

Who hogs the bed? Neither of us.

Who wakes up earlier? Without the alarm to wake us, we generally wake up within 15 minutes of each other.

Where was your first date? some italian restaurant in San Mateo where we spent a lot of time talking. Mostly Rob did the talking. I loved (and still love) this.

Who has the bigger family? Um. Rob has a lot more extended family than I do, but since they all live in Texas and Rob's immediate family rarely goes back anymore, I definitely have the biggest family he sees.

How do you spend the holidays? I told Rob I wasn't obligated to spend any holidays with his family until we were married. So right now, he goes to his parents and I go to mine. Truth be told, I would really miss spending holidays with my family.

Who is more jealous? I don't think either of us are jealous when it comes to each other. We have a lot of trust in each other. But as for being envious of things in general, it's me.

How long did it take to get serious? Um. Maybe three dates? Four?

Who eats more? Rob.

Who does/ did the laundry? We both do. Although Rob never folds my clothes- he just lays them out. *head desk*

Who’s better with the computer? Um. Equal.

Who drives when you are together? If it's some place involving my friends/family/interests, I drive. If it's his friends/family/interests, he does. Unless I want to drink, then he always drives.

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