Sanctuary Review Folding Man Part 1

Jan 24, 2011 18:03

Here we are again, this time with S01E04. Same drill as last review.


Establishing shot - Oldcity(?) - night

We open on a couple thugs robbing a pawn shop. This certainly isn't Pawn Stars. Triggering of the silent alarm sends the thieves packing, but not before a robber caps the shopkeeper.

Best quality surveillance footage ever. Especially considering he's trying to sell old CRT monitors and a vacuum from 1982.

With cops inbound, the robbers split up. One goes into a dead end basement - or it would be a dead end if he couldn't squish his head like a rat's (yes, rats can do that. It's how they can fit almost anywhere. Believe me, I've had many a pet ratty.) and squeeze through a 10in pipe.

It would really suck for him if he was claustrophobic.

My gosh, call Scully and Mulder, Tombs is back! ...For those poor souls who haven't watched, there was an X Files ep called Squeeze. The folding man in that ep came out of hibernation every 30 years to eat people's livers. What? Stop looking at me like that. It's the X Files! <3!

End of Teaser!

Act 1

Will comes in, late but with bagels to wow the new employers...

Will thought he was doing great by not getting doughnuts like he used to at the station.

Only to be met by ungrateful snobs. We get a recap of the teaser. New info: Will notices that the guys only steal gold - no diamonds, no guns, no porn...

Maybe sushi next time? Tea? Doritos?

Our fearless monster hunters venture into the basement where the robber escaped.

"Will, check the ceiling! He must still be hiding there."

They check out the tunnel after some banter.

"Magnus, this looks like a likely escape route!" "We're not hunting escaped boas, Will..." "Or are we...?"

Via their little tunnel crawling robot and infrared, they find a finger print on the inside of the pipe. Ouch.

Tunnelcam - all tunnels, all the time. It's ratings are still higher than Olberman's.

Somehow this is the only trace of a full grown man squishing himself through a 10 inch tunnel.

Back at the ranch, Helen explains that she thinks it's a folding man. They basically have soft cartilage and skull bones that aren't fused (like babies' and rats'). Magnus is a bit like Mulder in that she has encyclopedic knowledge of strange creatures and phenomena. But I like that she still has to look things up. She doesn't know everything about every creature right off the top of her head.

More googling old school, and a particularly hot bit of folding porn that gets Ash excited (I jest), and we've found some info on the folding men. Sick of typing folding men, so we'll call them FMs, short for folding mens.

Look at that fine, fiiiine man!

Aw yeah, baby, stretch for me! Yeeaaah. (I was gonna call him rubberman, but I thought that was a bit cliche.)

Helen and Will remember an old case that's similar. Will calls in a favor from an old buddy at the Bureau, whom he meets in the most deserted subway station I have ever seen.

Another crowded Friday on the Canadian Underground. Canadian subways must lose even more money than American subways! Amazing!

Anyway, Will's buddy gives him the file from the old case. There's some DNA that matches what they figure would be the dad of one of the cold case robbers. He hangs out in a crappy section of town that looks like most of DC.

While Will gets recipes for rubbing alcohol martinis and duct tape vests...

"How many tablespoons of rubbing alcohol to rain water, did you say?"

the girls also hunt around.

Want something done right, send two hot women to do it.

After a bit, they find this dude.

He's stunned into silence by the combined hawtness of Helen, Ash, and Will.

And we're out! Meh, kinda reaching for that act out.

{Ok, if Nikola had been in this ep...he would be off drinking wine somewhere and generally enjoying the Sanctuary's resources.


Act 2

Dude knows about the Sanctuary and likes it. How convenient. It's kind of an interesting, though, that abnormals know of the Sanctuary and think it's cool. So, turns out the guy's kid joined up with a folding gang. The gang gives its members some sort of drug. Lot of easy exposition here. Right now I can't help thinking of the investigator that Mulder met with in Squeeze. The old guy had come close to cracking the case years ago. He was obsessed with it, and he knew someone would eventually come to talk to him about it. He had the case file...just like Will's buddy. Hmmm...

Helen and Ash decide to consult a local drug lord they work with. Wut? Wow, this is cool. The good guys are on good terms with the local drug lord.

This is where his office will be when they finish the building. He likes to test it out.

This crime lord, Jones, explains how the FMs are like a tribe. He has nothing to do with the gang, though he knows he's about to be attacked by them. Ash agrees to take out the FMs if Mr Jones tells her where to find them.

Ooh, Jones can fly like a flying squirrel! Except he's not cute.

Yee and haw. Frying maaahn!

BTW, I really like the idea of abnormals using their skills in normal life in order to gain high position. Also nifty how we don't know until the end of this scene that he's an abnormal.

Some running and gunning later and we've got an FM in the back of the van.

You know those black vans you see sometimes? Yeah, they're with the Sanctuary.

And then he's in the CT. Squishy.

Love those weightloss before and after shots...

"I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine!"

Will guesses that the drug, which the FMs are addicted to, is made of gold. Turns out the TPG (gold drug) is a pain killer for the FMs when they fold. Magnus says it's a beta blocker, but I think she means beta endorphin. It's ok, writers, just keep writing good Tesla eps and I'll forgive your lack of medical knowledge.

Good job, Will. You're coming along. It's the fourth ep, so it's time he started thinking of things on his own. Glad they're moving his character forward like this.

Will suggests they call the police. Wait, Will, they are the police! When it comes to abnormals, anyway.

Even Helen is impressed by Will's conclusion.

Will goes to psych talk the FM.

"It was your horrible childhood, wasn't it. Your father never told you he loved you?"

The guy is really scared of No Man (Nomad? Ah, screw it.), the gang leader. We get a flashback of what happened, with No Man shooting the shopkeeper after the other dude fails. Then the guy says the classic words "No Man would never let himself be caught - unless he wanted to." OH FORESHADOWING. HANG A LANTERN ON IT, WRITERS!

This guy survived in a gang? Rly? For srs?

He makes an interesting comment: Is Team Sanctuary the zookeeper of the abnormal world? Basically, who died and made them king? The answer of course would be the Sanguine Vampiris whose blood they shot up.

Augh, I'm really starting to miss Niko. This ep always ran slow IMO.

{Eh, if Niko were in this ep, he'd be causing trouble somewhere. See? His grin means he's causing trouble. Or maybe the Sanctuary has pigeons?


Ooh, somebody clipped Mr Jones's wings. Splat.

God forbid we have a cool/useful character come back in another ep. Guess this was to show how dangerous No Man is.

Aaand we're out! This ep's outs are a bit weak. I suppose they're trying to go out on a BIG REVELATION.

Next part!

nikola tesla, sanctuary, picspam, amanda tapping, helen magnus, tv, review, jonathon young

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