From part 2 Act 4
John calls Tesla the most dangerous of the Five. Well, yes, he is the most powerful when you count how many powers he has and how smart he is. But...he doesn't have a crazy energy critter inside him, making him murder people. He's trying to bias Ash against Tesla, trying to get her to show where Helen is.
Turns out the ghouls are mini mes.
He actually calls them mini mes later! The use of modern vernacular is something I love about Tesla's character. Tesla was hip in his time, so this rings true. Anyway. He uses his blood and his electricity power, which he channels through a fang-shaped instrument, to reanimate the dead. This is interesting. The blood is before the sterilization. He's half vamp, but still vamp.
He has to use electricity to force a transformation, though even then the transformation is flawed. All this makes me think that inoculating humans with vamp blood was not the preferred method for vamp reproduction.
Tesla's in I AM SUCH AN AMAZING GENIUS! mode. I gotta say, J-Yo pulls off creepy spectacularly. First time I saw this, I was totes convinced of his evilness.
John knows about Tesla's plan to create a vamp army to rule the world. John says Tesla came to him first. Tesla found and revived him. Seems kinda contradictory... I guess, as was discussed in sanctuary_cafe, they have some sort of blood locating ability with each other or something? How else does Tesla manage to find him? And I'm assuming Tesla gave him some of his blood. When John refused to help him, Niko zapped him. Judging from the marks, that's a hand print - four fingers, one thumb.
I'm thinking it was a spur of the moment thing rather than a premeditate torture/punishment. John would have teleported first anyway. The jolt shocked John back into his senses. Wonder if Niko felt the energy creature in John? I also wonder if John refused Tesla because Niko wouldn't cut a bargain with HIM. No shiny new Australia for John, perhaps?
Tesla reveals that in essence, while having mindless ghouls around is "cool," the project is a failure. He really does want to revive his race, not just take over the world. Tesla wanted Helen to help him make them intelligent. gotta wonder what he wanted John for? I'm assuming John was a scientist back in the day, but...has he kept up on his skills like Helen has? Would he really have been any help? Maybe his teleporting, but that's about all John's worth to Niko. Having him around is just asking to get stabbed in the back... Literally.
Niko launches into a monologue, which J-Yo acts his heart out during! You just can't look away from him, and your horror rises with every second. They should srsly let him play more of these kinds of roles. Yeah, sure, he can do geeky very well, but frick sake, look how well he does dangerous, hot, and stylish! I was actually quite surprised when I saw him doing geeky parts!
Tesla believes that the world would be a better place if he and Helen were ruling it, since humans thus far kinda suck at it. Peace, culture, thought - all would flourish under their rule. I can't really disagree.
I absolutely love how he points to the dumb as tree stumps ghouls and says " progress!" Considering that the Progressives would like us to all be mindless, uniform slaves, I gotta agree.
Will grills Henry. Will, back the crap off!
Niko says the abnormals are on the rise. It's the same thing Helen was saying during the lecture.
Massively intelligent!
Well now, Helen's heard his plan, and she's had enough. Without a second's hesitation, she caps him several times.
She knows full well this isn't gonna do a thing except distract him for a few seconds. Tesla orders his minions to "get her."
Will finds the monster! Good job, Will!
Act 5
Will runs,
Helen runs - I love symmetry!
Capping the ghouls does nothing, btw. Henry saves Will.
It's nice seeing Big Guy and Henry's relationship.
Ash and John are on Helen's trail.
Now we come to the climax.
The ghouls want to shred Helen, but Tesla makes them hold.
He says "Not yet, back off." But really, I don't believe he'd order them to kill her. He might be hyped right now and a bit pissed, but he's still trying to push Helen, not kill her. If she's dead, what use would she be to him anyway?
Niko composes himself and compliments Helen on her shooting.
Helen looks mildly relieved and calls him on his claim of loving her. He says he doesn't think it's going to work out. Then SHE advances on HIM and gets right in his face.
No. Fear.
I highly doubt she believes he'll kill her. Compared to how she handled John, trying to calm him, this is night and day. She taunts Niko, insults him, says nobody liked him at Oxford, says he was an obnoxious ass. Considering how egotistical he is, that's a sharp insult. He has the ultimate comeback, though: "Guess who's still standing." Trufax.
Then BAM! Fist through the chest!
Freaks Helen out just as much as it does Tesla.
Given how John attacked Nikola, I think he only meant to distract/disable him.
Otherwise he could have easily beheaded him or the like. Also, how the heck did he get his fist through there? Takes a loooot of force. And teleporting with your hand inside something doesn't end well, I'd assume. Remember how the super abnormal ended in Eulogy?
We zort to some Rome rooftop.
Hope the elevator's working.
Helen's reaction to John's appearance is interesting, as is their exchange. "John, what the hell are you doing!" "Saving your life." "Why?" There's no relief in her face or voice. She didn't need John's help, by her estimation. She's more interested in why the blood she gave him didn't cripple him. He leaves Ash to explain.
Will and Henry kiss and make up. Sort of.
Beautiful Helen/Ash scene.
"I've never shown you Rome, have I."
"There was never time."
"I have a lot to make up for."
Overall thoughts:
You don't really expect me to write more, do you? For once, the body of my review actually contains review instead of just snark! Wow.
Ok, ok, final thoughts: AMAZING EP. Tesla is amazing. J-Yo is amazing.
Three storylines, Vampire and Werewolves and Teleporters, oh my! They all meshed, though. Which is kinda rare for Sanctuary.
It was great seeing Sanctuary's spin on vamps and wolves.