(no subject)

Jun 12, 2011 20:08

Player Name: Nicky
Personal LJ: bloodandbubble
AIM Contact:notmannotelf
Character Name: Francesca Lucchini
Source Canon: Strike Witches
Community Tag: Francesca Lucchini


Background: ((http://strikewitches.wikia.com/wiki/Francesca_Lucchinistrikewitches.wikia.com/wiki/Francesca_Lucchini))

Francesca Lucchini may seem like she’s dead weight if you count her performance out of a battle; she’s childish, selfish and lacks self control when it comes to things she wants. Part of this is because of her age. After all, throwing a child into battle would make them a little over confident, or would crush them completely if they failed. This is why I think they give her a little more leeway than the others, and let her shirk duties. In a way she’s a great moral officer; her playing around gives her team a reminder that they are just human. It also allows them to focus on something other than fighting the Neuroi all the time. Without the momentary distractions - even if they’re unplanned (Her ‘panty raid and the escaped Neuroi beetle in the base) - the girls would probably be at each other’s throats more often.

Her childish behavior and her attraction to a certain part of the female body is tied to her youth. She's Italian, and she’s at the age where a mother is still an important part of her life. It’s easy to figure that her mother was a busty woman with her attraction. She feels safe nestled in a large bosom, which is probably why she was attracted to Shirley at first. The relationship the two have seems more mother/daughter to me, or even sisterly than a professional relationship. I feel this makes it easier for her to cope with the life as a soldier, without the ‘motherly’ person to watch her back and reel her in when she’s out of control. I don’t think she’d be able to handle the situation well, for the most part. She’ll listen to the others, but when not on duty, Shirley’s the only one she seems to take orders from. Her childish nature also causes some trouble (Though I think her repairing the damage to Shirley’s Striker Unit may have been why it went faster in season one). She doesn’t mean to cause trouble; it’s just her curious nature and the lack of knowledge that comes with one’s own mistakes.

Another coping mechanism for her is sleeping. When she’s not on duty, she’s almost always napping, and the girl can fall asleep anywhere (noisy hangar, trees, backs of couches). The drain of magic is one possibility why. After all, it’s an inner strength, and in a battle she goes all out to take down her targets. The young girl shows that despite her actions off duty, she’s fully part of the team. She shows a fearlessness that borders insanity, but doesn’t quite reach the full peak of a berserker, meaning she will take orders given to her in the heat of battle, even if she doesn’t like them.

Which brings us to her relationships with her teammates. Most of the time, she’s on decent terms with the others, as long as she doesn’t break something or get in the way, they seem to tolerate her just fine. When it comes to her personal relations with them, she treats each member in a different manner. The more they let her get away with, the more affectionate she is towards them.

Capabilities and Resources: Lucchini is a witch, she’s able to focus (somewhat) her shields into a four layer aura she can use to ‘drill’ through an enemy. Usually she needs a small boost from someone to help speed her up (Wolvie and Colossus’s Fastball special anyone?). When using her magic she has panther ears and tail.

(*REQUIRED* if you have a robot)
Robot Name: Striker unit
Robot Description: Her striker unit (G-55 Centauro) is tan (yellow?) with white and olive stripes near the tips. It’s based off the Italian Fiat G.55 or “Centaur” which was in production in 1943. This fighter plane excelled at high altitude(22,970 ft ceiling) as an interceptor (Full load air speed 390 mph).

This unit is pretty much the ‘nose’ of a plane with the prop’s at the ‘ankles’ of the system, they’re designed so that the pilot can control it with the movement of her legs.

It’s powered by her magic, which is limited (She does tire out after a while and needs to recharge like the other witches, possibly the reason she naps so much is because of the strain using the system is on her).
On take-off her unit has a slight left hand yaw to it though she’s able to stabilize it in the air with no problem. In order to change directions in the air all she has to do is move her legs, thus the reason her uniform is a white military styled white jacket and white and blue panties, since the striker unit happens to cover most of her legs (Almost all the way up her thigh).

Her main weapon is a Breda SAFAT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breda-SAFAT_machine_gun), which is normally a mounted machine gun, of Italian make. She’s able to carry it both handed as if it were a normal gun.

Terrain Stats: (This is optional, but for those who have played SRW, this is a good way to give us a quick judge of how good your mech is overall. For those of you who haven't played the games, they are measured: --, D, C, B, A, S, with -- or D meaning it can't fight there at all and S being the best. Note that only upgrades tend to have an S unless they are entirely gimped or unusable in other areas.)
Land: B (She can hover above the ground)
Air: S (The unit was made for dogfights)
Sea: D (No underwater capability)
Space: C ( She doesn’t wear armor so space capability would be short lived if it wasn’t for her magic, she’d probably only last a few moments in space)

Flagship Name: Would you trust a 13 year old to own a flagship? Really?

Upgrades: Minor upgrades, design's the same

Job: Pilot/Witch Rank: Pilot officer

Suggested Event List: (Snagged from Mio)

Mission 01: (Episode "Lonely No More")
Cast: All witches (focus on Lynette)
Location: Air
Enemies: Rocket Neuroi, Shuttle Neuroi
This is basically just an introductory mission the Witches, and Lynne's first time in real combat. The smaller Shuttle Neuroi is detected and the girls head off to intercept it. However, it turns out to be a decoy with a Rocket Neuroi approaching base. With some help being supported, Lynne is the only one of the witches in position to take it out of the air.

Mission 02: (Episode "Thank You")
Cast: All witches (focus on Mio)
Loation: Air
Enemies: Rubix Neuroi
What looks like a single cube-like Neuroi turns into all out chaos as it breaks into dozens of smaller, cube Neuroi. Due to the sheer number, it takes Mio focusing on only finding the core before she can act. Once she finds the core, it's just a matter of shooting it down!

Mission 03: (Episodes "Trust and Friendship/To the Sky")
Cast: All witches (focus on Mio and Perrine), NPC Warlock
Location: Air, near Neuroi Hive
Enemies: Whale Neuroi, Witch Neuroi
With a Neuroi Hive in sight, the only resistance found is a single standard Neuroi (Whale). But afterward, a humanoid Neuroi emerges from the Hive. Though it doesn't seem to be attacking, rather, trying to communicate in a way similar to whale song and body language, Mio makes the first attack on it. Surprisingly, the Neuroi, which resembles a Witch, shoots Mio down desipte her shield.

In a fit of rage, Perrine chases the Neuroi back and INTO the hive. There, she's shown some shocking images, while another Neuroi (Whale) emerges. Before this one can be shot down, a mecha-like plane interjects and destroys the Neuroi. The Neuroi Witch emerges, and is destroyed by the same mysterious mech as well, before zipping off.

Log! (Event 03.5)
Perrine explains the images the Neuroi Witch showed her, which included the girl's, and allies, battles, and images from within a Labratory.

But shortly after a Military official arrives with he previous mech in tow. After Perrine recognizes it openly, the official delivers that the 501st Strike Unit be disbanded, and depart from their stations. The new project "Warlock" will handle all further Neuroi affairs.

Mission 04: (Episode "Strike Witches") (Season 1 finale)
Cast: All witches, NPC Warlock?, Fuso Navy Battleship "Akagi"
Location: Air, over seas, near Neuroi Hive
Enemies: Neuroi Warlock, Neuroi Warlock-Akagi
After a decision to ignore disbanding, and assault the Hive directly, the Witches deploy to investigate just what the Warlock is, and what's going through that official's head. Meanwhile, the Warlock is already assaulting the Hive, using Neuroi-hybrid technology to assault, then CONTROL waves of Whale Neuroi. In a grand display, it controls every last Neuroi and commands them to shoot eachother down. Yet afterward, it turns into a Neuroi itself! Time to deploy against it!

(And this is where the chaos/action begins.) Once the Warlock is shot down, it crashes down into one of the supporting battleships, the "Akagi", below. Sinking with the ship, it's thought that the Warlock is done, until it emerges, merged with the sunken ship! This hybrid Neuroi's core is located in the ships engine room, but how to get there?

Season 1 - Season 2 transition
All witches are free to go on vacation or stay and help out, but, Mio takes this time to resolve a matter of her magic waning. Neurio may be used and abused as additional enemies, because elsewhere, an attempt to communicate with a Neuroi Witch FAILS, as a larger Neuroi Hive (Grand Hive) destroys a lesser Hive.

Mission 05: (Episode "Into the Sky Once More") (Season 2 begins)
Cast: All witches (focus on Mio)
Location: Air
Enemies: Whale Neuroi-R
Once more, action picks up as Neuroi begin entering the 501st reachable airspace. However, Mio, still away, is not around to lead the Witches into battle. Fighting it off seems normal, until the Neuroi begins to rapidly regenerate damage. Enter Mio, with a new Striker Unit and her personally forged sword, "Reppumaru". Immideately, she puts her new technique to use, slicing the Neuroi in half with the "Reppuzan". But the one strike doesn't quite catch the core...

Mission 06: (Episode "My Romagna")
Cast: All witches (focus on Lucchini)
Location: Air, near the equavilant of Rome, Italy
Enemies: H-Bomb Neuroi-R

While resupplying in/around/about (or some concept of expy) Rome/Romagna, a large Neuroi resembling a hydrogen bomb appears. Being a Romagna native, Lucchini is especially determined to protect her homeland and charges in against the Neuroi before anyone else gets the chance to sortie! But can she manage on her own before her allies arrive?

Mission 07: (Episode "500 Overs")
Cast: All witches, two teams
Location: Island coast, underwater!
Enemies: Neuroi Dome

The Witches develop a plan to assault a dome-shaped Neuroi, wherein the core is on the inner roof of an otherwise inpenetrable shell. The dome extends off an island's coast, leaving it approachable from underwater. The plan is to send a team of Witches in a submarine to assault the Neuroi from the inside, while the rest of the team stand guard above, anticipating the Core to escape from above.

Inside the Dome, are dozens of bit-like sentries, with the core at the center of the roof.

Log! (Event 07.5)
During flight training and/or constant practice with her technique "Reppuzan", it's painfully obvious that Mio's magic is beginning to fade, and only brought about faster as she uses her new technique. Drama and potential crying ensue...

Mission 08: (Episodes "To Be Myself" "Beyond the Skies to Eternity")
Cast: All witches (focus on Mio, again), NPC Battleship "Yamato"/Neuroi "Yamato"
Location: Air
Enemies: UFO Neuroi, Neuroi Grand Hive, Neuroi Hive Core-Mio

Decidedly the final operation against the Neuroi. The "Yamato" is outfitted with technology to turn it into a Neuroi in order to directly assault the core of the Neuroi Grand Hive.

The Witchs' job is to escort the Yamato until it's in range to assault the Grand Hive, protecting it from UFO-shaped Neuroi. During the battle, Mio loses her sword in a failed attempt at "Reppuzan", landing on the deck of the Yamato. Once in range, the Yamato turns Neuroi and takes flight, ramming the Grand Hive core. However, the dynamo inside the engine room shuts down.

Mio takes it upon herself to use her remaining magic to restart the engine. Successful, the Yamato fires it's main canon and destroys the Grand Hive in a grand explosion.

Only not. As Neuroi glitter clears, a massive Neuroi Core appears, with the Yamato still embedded against the core, as well as Mio's limbs merged with the core itself. The Witches must fight to free Mio AND destroy the core, while avoiding regenerating UFO-shaped Neuroi, as well as the Hive Core using Mio's shield! Once Mio has been blasted/chipped free, she discovers that that the merger has restored her magic, and can freely use the "Shin Reppuzan" to destroy the core.

(The event list should consist of important combat actions that would make good material for missions, or special events and logs that require mod or NPC intervention. Feel free to label an event as a Mission or a Log. At this point, canons should not have more than 20 events total.)

Sample Post:
She hung onto tree, watching and waiting. The training mission had them in the woods, and Lucchini was actually enjoying herself for now. The others were scouting around, still looking for her. If she was using her magic, her panther tail would be flicking back and forth as she covered her mouth with her hands to keep from making a sound.

Her target moved under her, unaware that the noise alone from the Striker Unit allowed Lucchini to hear her. The dark haired girl grinned, having left her own striker by the base of the tree, hidden underneath branches. She jumped at her target, letting out a yell. “Morning!” She yelped, just as her target turned as the alarm went off, causing the dark haired Witch to fell to the ground, missing her target. “Nueroi? Thought we had another day,” She sat up, rubbing her face. “And I was hoping to talk the others into the beach later…” She whined scrambling to go get her Striker.

“It better be worth it! I was having fun sneaking up on all of you!” She uncovered the strikers and climbed, in closing her eyes a moment to activate them. Without waiting, she broke through the trees' cover to see what was going on. 

post: app

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