Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Does
willowswimmer have a crush on
willowswimmer? hmm on herself.... no
2) Is
acrossunvrs in a relationship? no, unless she is keeping a major detail from me
3) If
hobbit_stalker was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? a hobbit hater
4) How would
skunky23 kill
stardust83956? hahahaha NO
5) Would
chivesthebutler be a better ninja or pirate? pirate
6) If
aronagale and
hobbit_stalker were spliced together, what would it be like? very dramatic, and funny
7) Is
jaaaane popular? it is all relative at woo
8) What is
chivesthebutler allergic to? uuuuhhhhh, no idea
9) Does
elboitoi have a dog? yes
10) What is
peechypoet's favorite food? snapple
11) Would
willowswimmer and
chivesthebutler make a good couple? cant really see that
12) If
chivesthebutler were hanging off a cliff, what would
acrossunvrs do? take a picture
13) How many monkeys could
chivesthebutler fight at once and win against? 20
14) What languages does
bubbles9236 speak? english......?
15) Have you flirted with
skunky23? maybe......???
16) Is
bubbles9236 1337? what is this question
17) Is
jaaaane a high school student? yuppers
18) What planet should
willowswimmer be from? france in the past
19) Is
willowswimmer your best friend? a good friend
20) If
aronagale commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? hahaha, an army of inflatable pool animals
21) What song/movie would you recommend to
bubbles9236? the jerk (this is not to imply i think you are one, but it is a really funny movie)
22) If
bubbles9236 and
chivesthebutler were siamese twins, where would they be joined? the shoulder
23) Is
chivesthebutler related to
peppermintdream? hahahahaha then he would be my neighbor and i would practically live at his house
24) Is
skunky23 single? no idea, jack?????
25) What exotic animal would
bubbles9236 like as a pet? flamingo
26) What is
acrossunvrs's favorite movie? HELP
27) How long have you known
sally_morning? since 6th grade
28) Is
chivesthebutler an emo? not that i know of
29) Which president would
willowswimmer be likely to idolize? washington
30) Are
peechypoet and
skipperdee42 married? ummmmm no
31) Where was
hobbit_stalker born? CT???
32) Does
aronagale do drugs? not that i know of, though college.....
33) Would you make out with
elboitoi? ughhh..... hahah.... ugh
34) Is
stardust83956 a nerd? well she loves chem.....but we love her anyway
35) What is
stardust83956's favorite band/artist? not sure
36) Do you have
skipperdee42's screenname? yes ma'm
37) Is
stardust83956 introverted or extroverted? a bit more intoverted
38) What would
aronagale do differently in your shoes? be a better singer
39) Is
elboitoi dead sexy? ummm.....not in my opinoin
40) Has
sally_morning dyed their hair? no