Today was quite the eventful day. Let's recap.
- Go to North school to pick up ID, bus pass, schedule with Kim.
- Drive in circles around Main St. and Amherst St. Multiple times.
- Walk around CVS dreaming of hot pink eyeshadow.
- Go to Headlines, look at very interesting stuff.
> Including a lamp shaped like a man with the switch at the groin area. I want it.
- Almost get hit by some idiot @ the Clocktower.
- Go to the thrift store and look at some hideous clothing, some awesome vests, and a nice comfy bed.
> Took lots of pictures.
- Went to Sunoco and had Drouin and Alex pump our gas. Tipped them roughly $0.36 to be nice. Got called fags.
- Went to Kim's. Then to mine.
- Had a PicFest of taking EXTREMELY lame/funny/hilarious/ridiculous pictures of ourselves.
- Went to Kim's. Went to Shop N Save to get drinks; saw Kim's Mommy.
- Went to Brookdale Farms, but it was closed, so we took more pictures of us sitting in coves and leaning against trees.
- Took pictures of a corn field. Struggled with Kim's CD doesn't like to work.
- Went to Strawberries where Hanson's "3 Car Garage" was purchased used by Kim for $0.99
- Went back to Kim's where Kim burned me a copy of that very good conditioned CD.
- Came home.
Now I'm about to look at the pictures from today. I'm excited.