Allright, I might be forced to quit WoW soon because my guild leader doesn't know how to stop inviting hunters into the guild, and we have a million raids a day that I'm not aware of until they've started and filled up with hunters
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I realized I don't really like anything. I play WoW more then anything, even though I think it's boring and tidious, and often very angering. I think it's just lack of something to do but the things I want to do seem to be a hassle and never work out the way I want. Yeah, this is an emo post people will annoy me about later.
Allright, my first absence of the year because I slept in. I guess I haven't been getting enough sleep lately because of WoW, it's just such an addictive game. :(
Okay, so here's the plan, I'm gonna get WoW, and only sleep for three hours a day so I can level fast. Then I have to find someone that will let me use a laptop at school. Social lives are for people that weren't hardcore enough for video games.
Edit: I forgot about J.C., so anyone with a laptop that would like to be J.C. clerk, leave a comment