I am back!!! I spent nearly another week in the urgent care hospital.
As shocked as I was to find myself having Atrial Fibrillation symptoms again I managed to throw a few belongings into a bag before we headed for Urgent Care. So this time when I heard the verdict 'We'd like to keep you overnight' I was at least a bit ready.
This time I spent the first ages in a freezing-cold room, waiting for a bed to be found upstairs for me. The hospital was overflowing with very ill people. When I finally arrived I was sent upstairs. I had a very nice room-mate, some rather filling food and an uncomfortable bed. Hopefully I wouldn't be there long.
Who imagined I'd be back in the Hospital so quickly? Not me! And with the same problem too - good old Atrial Fibrillation! The staff was still very kind and helpful. Hopefully the time would pass quickly and I'd soon be home. This time Tim was able to come and visit once a day in the afternoon. It brightened my day a lot.
There were fewer tests too, as I'd had many fairly recently, so a decision was made to see how some pills reacted. I was given some by mouth and others by the drip in the IV. I was happy to feel my heart slow down a bit.
At one point the IV got loose and cracked and as I spun around trying to catch it, my blood flew everywhere. It drenched my clothes, the sheets and pillowcases, the floor and the wall and it poured down my hand to my wrist until it looked as if a murder had happened in that room. We laughed so hard we cried. Me - I was astonished that my pulse rate stayed pretty calm during all the craziness.
Time Passed On... Eventually I heard the magic words from one of the Doctors 'We think you're well enough to go home this afternoon.' So with that, I tidied up my little corner of the world and sat quietly waiting for my chauffeur to arrive. And silly me, I just HAD to ask a nearby nurse if I could get A-fib more than twice. The answer was 'YES' Eeeeeek!!!
Oh Well, Never ask a question if you cannot deal with the answer, right?
That was the week that was.