So, I do believe that my apartment is now flea-free...although Amsers is terrified. And now, since I had to move the futon, and I don't want to move...
A little unstable
Your 32% certain to be a psycho killer
Dont worry your safe but id hide the kitchen knives just to be sure!
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 63% on psycho
The could you be a psycho killer Test written by
i_luv_sarah on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Pun-a-rama
You scored 94 Punniness!
You obviously know how to have a great time and you greatly enjoy torturing those who don't appreciate our sense of humor.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 34% on Punniness
The Just How Punny Are You Test written by
Veejiebeejie on
Ok Cupid, home of the
32-Type Dating Test Geisha
83 % Manian fluency!
You got it going on, and probably will well into your older years. You know men quite well, and understand their needs, even if you don't always cater to their whims.
You know enough about men to know when to turn on the charm, and when to get down to business. You could be dangerous if you use your powers for evil rather than good.
You are amusing in a good way, and men are very comfortable around you. Just be careful that they don't get too comfortable, or you could find yourself being the "FWB" more often than you like. Because people in this range are usually down to earth, we (and I say we because without male assistance, I'd have never been able to create this test) are the friend guys want to shag, but not the one most want to take home to show mom and dad. They desire us because we're not so mainstream, but this is the same reason they disqualify us as long term partners.
So even though you're a Geisha, guard your heart with the determination and decisiveness of a Samurai. Do not put the sword in the sheath until it has tasted blood.
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 73% on fluency
The Manian Language Test written by
Shangazi on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test A Foreign Resident
You are 68 % fluent in Womanian!
You have a good working knowledge of Womanian. You can handle yourself in most situations such as eating out and airports, etc. You're in good company, as many good husbands and husbynds, are at the same fluency level as you. You know enough to be in a relationship, and just probably haven't devoted enough energy into learning more because you probably have no intention of manipulating anyone.
Just be careful because as they say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Misunderstandings can lead to pain. So please do try harder to read between the lines, or as in the Wizard of Oz, see the woman behind the curtain. She might not be so frustrating when you realize that she really just wants to be loved.
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Click here to take the Manian language test. My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 17% on fluency
The Womanian Language Test written by
Shangazi on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
32-Type Dating Test