Pi (or, the nerd's Mt. Everest)

May 08, 2007 00:45

My hero for tonite:

Krishan Chahal

I don't know how "official" it is, but apparently this guy recited 43,000 digits of pi in 5 hours and 21 minutes (19 June 06).

Another story I read tonite claimed that this 15 yr old boy memorized over 8,000 digits of pi because his dad said he'd buy him an XBOX 360 if he reached the "family goal" of over 10,000. After he did the 8K, his dad said that was close enough to get a 360, but no games. However, his son said that he didn't deserve the 360 at all, because he failed to reach 10,000+. Hahahaha. What a FAILURE. ;)

The best was the guy from Austria who only recited 150 digits of pi, but he did it while JUGGLING, so I think that's pretty spectacular.

UPDATE: It takes a supercomputer 400 hours to calculate the value of pi to 1.24 TRILLION places

This is from 2005, but "Akira Haraguchi, 59, managed to recite the number's first 83,431 decimal places, almost doubling the previous record held by another Japanese." The article is HERE. AZN PWR !
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