Oi. anyways. the Bodyworlds exhibit on sunday rocked. the first floor of the exhibit does no justice to the rest of it... crazy stuff. and an effing horse at the end. I bought a shirt that has the blood vessels of a rabbit on it... and wore it. and everyone said it was either neat or nasty. and. stuff. neat exhibit. reminded me of the Cell [which i
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it's been a week and a day. and, save for last night, saturday, and sunday, the week has sucked. i'll save any form of an Incubus show review for later when i get the pictures developed. stuff
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+ from the bompalompalompdude. it's been over a week again. wtf is that all about. not like anything worth mentioning has happened... i forget how effing monotonous life is once school starts. anyways. i bid on, won, and recieved my Spice Girls shirt. w00t. it rocks - i just have to take it in a bunch on the sides. i also got an F on an essay rough
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+ she'd have a job the same as ourswow. it's almost been a week. not like anything interesting has happened... just basic getting used to being in school again. and dealing with the same people some more - as well as some new people. people people people. i've already started to get lazy with homework too... meh. and the lockers that some of my
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+ staring at the screenFoist dayness of school. Woke up to Connor Oberst screaming/whining "one night" into my ear. Gotta love that, especially after 5 hours of sleep. Annnyways... got myself ready and all. It sucked having to go back to the "normal routine" again. First period ( Algebra II HP) was somewhat entertaining... listened to a classic
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