Title: Back To The Start Part 4
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: T
Genre: Angst, romance
Summary: Eames comes back from the future to save Arthur from an untimely death.
"So, how does it start?"
Eames shrugs. "I couldn't really tell you. I guess when you spend all day, every day together for a year and a half you just get closer."
Arthur's eyebrows raised. "It took a year and a half for us to get together?"
Eames grinned. "Yeah. It kind of freaked me out, actually. I was worried you would try to kill me if I did anything."
"I wouldn't have done that."
"Well yeah, I know that now. You make the first move, in the end, to my eternal thankfulness."
"Really?" Arthur frowned. "I don't usually. My girlfriend in high school had to practically beg me to go to prom with her."
"Being gay might have added to that, darling."
"I wasn't then."
"Well, I didn't know then." Arthur conceded. "My family was really conservative. It took me a long time to figure everything out."
"I know."
"How- oh. Right." He shook his head. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to that."
"Don't worry about it." They walked along in comfortable silence for about a block. They could hear the faint reverb of a car alarm from far off and a dog barking from an empty lot. Arthur kicked at a flyer that lay torn and crumpled on the ground.
"How did you get the scar?"
Eames laughed. "We got in a bar fight in Thailand. Someone insulted my shirt."
"Seriously? You started a fight over that?"
"I wasn't the one who started it, darling. Apparently you're the only one allowed to think my choice in fashion is hideous."
Arthur stared. "I started a bar fight. In Thailand. To defend the honor of your shirt."
"Was it paisley?"
A smile curved Eames' lips, his eyes glinting in the moonlight. "I do believe it was."
Arthur laughed and reflexively grabbed his hand. "You bastard." The laugh cut off as he glanced down at their entwined hands, then back up to Eames' face. They held each other's gaze for a moment, steady, their eyes locked. Arthur could feel Eames' breath on his cheek, hot and smelling of coffee and cigarettes.
Eames let go of Arthur and raised his hands, cupping the point man's face in his palms. He leaned down and captured his lips softly. Arthur felt himself relax against the forger's chest. He closed his eyes and placed his hands on Eames' hips for balance and warmth and contact.
The broke apart slowly and stood still, their forehead's pressed together, Eames rubbing Arthur's cheek with the calloused pad of his thumb.
"God." Eames voice broke on the single syllable. "I miss you so much."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be." He pressed a kiss to Arthur's mouth, hungry and sad and frantic. "Don't ever be sorry. For anything. Ever." He held tight. "You were my whole life, Arthur. And I know that by doing this, it means that everything that happened, everything that we did, every single goddamn year and month and day and second we spent together since today is going to be gone. It's going to be erased, and I'll disappear, and I don't CARE, because you'll be okay. You'll be alive, and that's all that I care about."
"Eames-" Arthur croaked.
"That's how the machine works. You change the past, your future is gone. In a few minutes I'm going to disappear from the time stream, and you're going to be alone, and I am so, so sorry for that, but I had to do it, Arthur, I HAD TO."
"Please don't. Please, Eames." Arthur whispered, eyes squeezed shut.
Eames pried Arthur's grip off him gently and stepped back. "It was worth it to have a few more hours with you."
"I don't want you to leave." Arthur could hear how desperate his voice sounded, how pitiful. "I only just met you."
Eames laughed through his tears. "Don't be thick. You've known me for years." He kissed him again. "You just have to find me."
"I love you."
He smiled toothily, a shadow of the old Eames- the one Arthur had known before tonight- peeking through.
"I know, darling."
Arthur blinked, and he was gone.