As she sails through clear blue skies

Nov 24, 2009 14:22

title: i will hold until it does
author: acidquill
disclaimer: don’t own em
rating: pg
warnings: SPOILERS for 5x10
characters: Ellen
word count: 229
notes: last one, I promise ;) set during the ep. title inspired by shane alexander.

She’s almost sure she’ll have to push the boys out of the door, especially Sam. Dean looks at her like he’s being ripped in two.

Ellen thinks of the quiet, self-contained little boy she met over twenty years ago, when Jo was just a baby on her hip. He was just a kid still hurtin’ from missing his momma, and who’d been thrown into a life he didn’t know a helluva lot about except it kept taking his daddy away from him too. After John and Bill said their goodbyes, Ellen took Sam by the hand. Jostled Jo up a little higher and held out the other to Dean. She still remembers the way his hand fit in hers.

She knows she’s asking a lot, too much, but she knows that Dean understands. Probably better than anyone else. Bill is gone; Jo is slipping away. Ellen knows her baby girl doesn’t have much longer and she can’t - won’t - leave her here alone. There’s nothing left for her. It’s not a hard choice to stay behind; it’s the only one there is.

She watches Dean clench his fists and look away; she relaxes. He leads his brother out of the back of the store.

Let this work, she prays silently. She unchains the doors and goes back to Jo. Ellen settles against the counter, pulls her daughter close and waits.

- end

[just letting y'all know I'll probably be incommunicado for a few days starting tomorrow. spending the holiday with The Fam @ the beach, so internet access is probably gonna be non-existent]

5x10, shotguns and rocksalt, fic 09, here be harvelles, mini nano

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