Title: Nothing Is Taking Me Down, Part 5/?
acinoganCharacters: Sylar, Elle, Peter, Angela, more later
Word Count: 1376 this bit
Rating: PG-13 this part, R later
Summary: Elle makes a guest appearance on Sylar's latest road trip to collect on a debt. Going more and more AU by the moment. This is the most AU part yet.
Spoilers/Warnings: Gen.
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Comments 15
(no question mark, damn it, it's my AU)
how would you feel about a special flist-only "extended dreams alternate part 6"? wherein there is more smut? do you think my non-flist would be pissed off by that?
Although...I've been suspecting for a couple chapters now that Elle's not really dead, and that she's somehow astral projecting or something like that. You don't have to answer, I just wanted to throw that out there.
you know what, she is dead. i'm committing to that answer. but thanks for throwing it out, and you are not the first :)
thanks for commenting! (how are those drabbles going for you?)
An overwhelmed Elle broke eye contact with him by way of her disappearance. He felt emptier than he thought he should. He'd abandoned the hope for a family a while ago, only to have Angela taunt him briefly. And for about a day with Elle, he'd...
I love that part. The pain was palpable.
and yeah, the pain when Peter told 'them' the story of the future, about Noah and all... it's... heartbreaking.
when it comes to torturing characters: i deliver.
Totally waiting for Elle messing with Sylar's dreams! :-p
yeah, sylar got a bit awkward there :) he was trying to bond with peter or something.
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