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Jan 09, 2006 01:12

Maybe it's just me but i found this absolutely hilarious. Its an AIM convorsation between Brandon Ackermann and Sierra George.  theatreboy87: I held my tounge
IHeldMyTounge: i spelt it wrong
IHeldMyTounge: lol
theatreboy87: right
IHeldMyTounge: i know
IHeldMyTounge: ahhh i feel so much better
theatreboy87: why
IHeldMyTounge: cause i left jess a really funny comment on lj
theatreboy87: link it to me
IHeldMyTounge: http://www.livejournal.com/users/fisheatsteel/130220.html?view=1112492#t1112492

theatreboy87: it wont let me see it
theatreboy87: what did yousay
IHeldMyTounge: a lot of shit i left a very detailed description of how i cheated on him last night
theatreboy87: cut and paste
IHeldMyTounge: lol
theatreboy87: no really
******* edited explicite content********* beep
theatreboy87: yes
IHeldMyTounge: yes what
theatreboy87: you better let him have it
IHeldMyTounge: lol
IHeldMyTounge: ahhh i have to see him at school tomorrow its gonna suck
theatreboy87: I kinda want to fuck you now
IHeldMyTounge: lol
theatreboy87: what
IHeldMyTounge: thats hilarious
IHeldMyTounge: lol
theatreboy87: Why do I feel sexual tension
IHeldMyTounge: i'm not sure
IHeldMyTounge: u might want to ask urself that question
theatreboy87: I'm asking you
theatreboy87: and recieving no reply
IHeldMyTounge: i dunno
IHeldMyTounge: omg now i can't stop thinking about fucking
IHeldMyTounge: jess was uhh good but it would of been better
IHeldMyTounge: if he wouldn't of cum in 3 minutes
IHeldMyTounge: every fucking time
theatreboy87: Lets do it
IHeldMyTounge: that would be fucking hilarious
theatreboy87: it would
theatreboy87: lets do it
IHeldMyTounge: i can't believe we are actually having this conversation
theatreboy87: ahhh but we are
IHeldMyTounge: how long are you going to be in tally
theatreboy87: a week
theatreboy87: what are your thoughts
IHeldMyTounge: ummmm
IHeldMyTounge: nothing
theatreboy87: rightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
IHeldMyTounge: hehe
theatreboy87: hehe is right
IHeldMyTounge: do u still drink
theatreboy87: I do
IHeldMyTounge: we should hang out before you leave and get drunk
IHeldMyTounge: i can't believe u still like q thats funny its been forever
theatreboy87: I dont really its just a joke thing matt and I have
IHeldMyTounge: oh
theatreboy87: Whats your cell number
IHeldMyTounge: ***-****
theatreboy87: ***-***
IHeldMyTounge: do u still have the same number
theatreboy87: yeah
IHeldMyTounge: haha
theatreboy87: Yes I'm gonna let you have it
IHeldMyTounge: lmao
IHeldMyTounge: i hope its not like last time
IHeldMyTounge: ahh i dunno if i can even think about that
theatreboy87: Oh it wont be
theatreboy87: I told you disney taught me well
IHeldMyTounge: how so
theatreboy87: Honey Everyone who works for disney is beautiful, you cant think i didnt take advantage of this beauty
IHeldMyTounge: lol
IHeldMyTounge: awesome
IHeldMyTounge: i like pretty people
IHeldMyTounge: they make me all warm inside
theatreboy87: Me too
IHeldMyTounge: ugly people make me want to die
theatreboy87: Yes mamn
IHeldMyTounge: i don't know how i got so superficial
IHeldMyTounge: but i just constently make fun of people
theatreboy87: I have become more and more real.....and I hate every minute of it
IHeldMyTounge: true
IHeldMyTounge: i wish i wasn't a bitch
IHeldMyTounge: but i really can't help it
theatreboy87: I know
IHeldMyTounge: its my form of amusement
HeldMyTounge: mmm i feel so much better all ready
theatreboy87: Youll feel even better when I'm done with you
IHeldMyTounge: hmmm thats what they all say
IHeldMyTounge: it is yet to be true
theatreboy87: Well I love proving people wrong
IHeldMyTounge: i will believe it when it happens
theatreboy87: well just buckle up
IHeldMyTounge: mmmm baby
IHeldMyTounge: k its almost sleepy time
theatreboy87: perhaps
theatreboy87: Prepare for paradise beautiful
IHeldMyTounge: i don't know if i am gonna be able to fall asleep
theatreboy87: Why is that
IHeldMyTounge: i'm anxious now
theatreboy87: I really want to fuck you
IHeldMyTounge: oh snap
theatreboy87: Oh snap what
IHeldMyTounge: sorry wrong that was suppose to go to jeremy
IHeldMyTounge: i can't concentrate
theatreboy87: WHY
theatreboy87: I can still picture you there
IHeldMyTounge: my mind is pre-occupied
theatreboy87: with what
IHeldMyTounge: thoughts
theatreboy87: thoughts of what
IHeldMyTounge: the possibilty that someone might actually be able to make me cum for once
theatreboy87: I will make you scream with passion'
IHeldMyTounge: the thought of this is very intoxicating
IHeldMyTounge: but un likely
theatreboy87: But entirely possible
IHeldMyTounge: true
theatreboy87: I have wanted you for a while
theatreboy87: the urge would have been too strong
IHeldMyTounge: i love it when boys are full of shit it makes me giggle
theatreboy87: and ever excitited, right?
theatreboy87: ?
IHeldMyTounge: yes cause its like you don't even really care if they are lieing its just nice to entertain the thought of it actually being true
theatreboy87: do you want to fuck?
IHeldMyTounge: right now
IHeldMyTounge: ?
theatreboy87: not right now
IHeldMyTounge: lol
theatreboy87: i'm in bed
IHeldMyTounge: i was joking
theatreboy87: answer me

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