[ Dream ] Happy Birthdays Were Never so Lonely...

Jul 23, 2011 23:31

Dream Effects: Your basic happy feelings of birthday joy.
Warnings: NA
Notes: Backdated to this morning >_>

[ A much younger Sasuke wakes up and rubs at his eyes. He looks to be about 5 or 6 if his round face is any indication of his age, and his hair is much shorter than it is now though it still sticks up in the back. He hops up from his bed and slides back the traditional Japanese door to head into the dining room. He doesn't appear to be expecting anything, but as he pushes back a second door his face instantly lights up with surprise and joy. A decently sized cake is sitting in the middle of the table and a boy, definitely a relative, is standing beside the table smiling at Sasuke.

"Happy Birthday, little brother."

Sasuke's grin is huge as he goes over and nearly hugs his brother, but he stops short. The older man takes the initiative and wraps Sasuke in a quick hug before pushing a present into the young boys hands.

The grin is still huge on Sasuke's face as he unwraps the gift, and though you wouldn't have thought it possible the grin widens.

"Thank you!" He pulls out a slender flute. He hugs his brother and the dream ends zoomed in on the musical instrument. A calendar can be seen hanging on the wall displaying the date July 23rd. ]

[ Sasuke wakes up slowly and looks over at his calendar on the wall. Sure enough it matches the date of the one in the dream. He sighs slowly and looks towards his dreamberry, and turns it off once he realizes it's on. ]

!dream, itachi is in everything, happy birthday sasuk!, birthday's suck

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