Ask Gregs

Nov 07, 2011 23:08

So I got bored and went through Greg Weisman's ask page, picking out all questions that are Superboy-related. It's been a while, so I don't know if there has been anymore. I should go back to see, but /lazy

- Hello, Greg.
Previously you've stated that Superboy speaks Spanish and I was curious if you'd be willing to tell us what languages each team member speaks, as at least three members are at least bilingual. If you are, please do so.
Either way, thank you for your time.

GREG: Superboy speaks many, many languages, including (but not limited to) English, Spanish, French, Korean, Arabic, Russian, etc.

- You wrote: "Superman is Superboy's genetic father."
(Superman is actually Superboy's genetic brother.)

GREG: I'll take your word for it. But what may be true genetically isn't necessarily true emotionally.

- Superman was 21 when he started being a hero.

- Hey Greg. I am so far loving Young Justice especially the Maega and Superboy moments, but i'm really mad that what happened between Superboy and Miss Martian in the cave in the episode "Downtime" is still not answered. I was hoping "Bereft" would answer it, but the scene was cut off. Is it a really important plot point or will it be answered in the comic book spinoff.
Just to say that I think that Superboy pobably heard Red Tornado and just sat back down or they did kiss and that would explain his concern for her safety.
Anyway, can't wait to find out.

GREG: They haven't kissed. <-CHANGED IN TERRORS |D

- How exactly did the memory recovery work in "Bereft?" I know that Miss M had to personally restore Superboy's memories, but it seems like the others were starting to remember on their own. Did Psimon just cut off their access to those memories instead of erasing them? That seems to be the only way they would be able to regain them so quickly.

GREG: Yes, exactly.

- Hey Greg, I noticed that the time difference between episode 8 and 9 of Youn g Justice gave Miss Martian and Superboy plenty of time to form a relationship. I at first noticed this when Miss Martian didn't blush when Superboy held her hand. And when Superboy was concerned about her safety, and that they almost kissed without hestation which most mean they kissed before. You guy will probably show what happened between Superboy and Miss martian while aqualad was in Atlantis in a comic book. But can you at least tell me if i'm right.
2.I'm pretty sure we can confirm that Superboy apparantly watch comedies and that Megan copied her looks of the girl from the tv show and that her true form is yet to be revealed. I kind of like this idea because it could mean something with the Superboy and Miss Martian relationship on whether Superboy likes her who she is.
Because her true could be hideuos.

GREG: You're right about some things. Wrong about others.
2. I don't think Superboy's watched many or any comedies.

- 1.In the episode Bereft why did that sphere thing help Superboy?
2.Will you tell me about the relationship between Superboy and Miss Martian?
3.Are Superboy and Miss Martian going to kiss in Young Justice?

GREG: 1. They bonded over being tortured together.
2. What needs telling?
3. "SPOILER REQUEST. NO RESPONSE." <- ANSWERED AT SDCC 2011, yes, Superboy and M'gann are going to kiss |D

- Will there be more shirtless Superboy scenes? Please say yes. :)


- 1.What can you tell me about the relationship between Superboy and Miss Martian?
2.In the episode Bereft when Miss Martian was restoring Superboy's memory's in one of the images she was in a cheerleader uniform in a place that looked like the locker room of a school. Where did Superboy get that image from?
2b.Was it a dream Superboy had about her?
3.Why does Miss Martian like Superboy?

GREG: 1. I think it mostly speaks for itself. Or will, as episodes air.
2. That was from her memory. They were melding, as she removed the blockage that Psimon had placed there.
2b. No.
3. Beyond what I've already said, I'll leave that for the viewer to interpret.

- Hello Greg,
I'm really intrigued by the budding relationship between Miss Martian and Superboy. Their attraction to each other seemed pretty immediate, particularly from Megan's end. Is it merely physical? Or do you think these two have a deeper connection they haven't quite figured out yet? In any case, can you please give us a little more insight on what compelled you guys to pair these two particular characters together?

GREG: I think it began with a physical attraction, but I believe it's deepened since.
As for why, it felt right, and some of the why will become clearer as the season progresses...

- You answered that most of the time Superboy sleeps in a bed, but in Young Justice #0 he was shown to prefer Wally's closet over a bed. Is that going to be explained or was that a goof your end?

GREG: It wasn't a goof. That was his FIRST NIGHT out of a pod. Over time, he starts sleeping in a bed. What other explanation do you need?
And, hey, RUDE MUCH?!

- [In regards to Downtime] 5-the animation continues to impress, I'd almost say it is a clear gemlike quality to it. Very expressive, very detailed (for animation) and still very clean. The interaction between Conner and Megan especially showcase it. {And also brings up a few questions; Did they kiss? How much does Red Toranado get? (I'd wager more than they'd guess if his wife and daughter come over from the print version) Why does Conner watch static? etc.}

GREG: 5a. No.
5b. More than most - but he doesn't have a wife or daughter.
5c. I don't think he was WATCHING static. I think he was thinking, and he didn't mind the white noise as a background. (My fourteen-year-old son goes to sleep to white noise every night. I fear for his eventual college roommate, really I do.)

- Hey Greg, I wanted to ask about Superman/Superboy; since the premiere, Superboy's been wanting Superman in his life as he is a clone, while Superman doesn't seem to want anything to do with him, and even snaps at those like Batman when it is brought up or even him being referred to as a "father" or Superboy as his "son". I think I could understand: out of nowhere, someone cloned him and he feels violated. But Superman acting this way is very un-Superman-like; even if he was cloned and even if he doesn't want to be a father, he could be a brother or simply a friend, because in the end Superboy is there, he IS him at a young age, and wants to be like him. So he should be in the boy's life because if he isn't, he could go the wrong path and something might happen and Superman would HAVE TO accept guilt for it, which seems to be the current situation judging by each one of their attitudes toward one another and the situation, regardless of the rest of the heroes. I like this character next to Batman, but even I want to slap the Man of Steel for acting this way. With that said, here's what I want to ask:
1) When will this Superman/Superboy situation change?
2) If what I suggested is wrong, then why is Superman acting this way?
And 3) to you Greg and the team; what led to this decision to have Superman act this way on the show (or at first on the show)?
Thank you and keep up the good work.

GREG: I should probably just write "ASKED AND ANSWERED" to this entire post, but...
Let me start by REITERATING that I just flat out don't agree that Superman's response here is somehow UN-Superman-like. That, admittedly, is an interpretation many fans share, but I'm ALSO a fan, and I just don't agree. Especially since we haven't SEEN Superman's complete response (only the results of it), as the series is told from the POV of the teens (in this case, Superboy).
What Superman SHOULD do is debatable. I get you wanting to "slap" him, but I think you're being incredibly insensitive to Superman's POV on this. He's rationalized that the kid is better off without him. He's wrong, I agree. But it's understandable given his current feelings of violation. How useful could he be to Superboy, emotionally or otherwise, until he gets his own head on straight?
And Bruce, well meaning though he might have been, didn't do either Clark or Superboy any favors by positioning the issue in father/son terms. I think THAT little speech said more about Bruce Wayne's father issues than anything else.
As for your questions:
2. I'm NOT saying you're wrong. Just that myself and pretty much every person working on the series disagrees with you. But it's all just opinion. You're entitled to yours. I just wish people would stop viewing the issue in such black and white terms. To me, the drama is in the greys. And it is very, very grey.
3. It felt honest.
(Somewhat incidentally, it also seemed to match up with Superman's less than stellar history in the comic books as a mentor: "Hi, I'm your cousin Kara from Krypton." "Great, cuz. Let me stick you in an orphanage." But that was a secondary bonus. The main answer is still: "It felt honest.")

- 3. I love the romantic triangle between Superboy, Miss Martian, and Kid Flash (I'm a sucker for romance). But the recent Kid Flash/Artemis hints from 'Denial' are killing me. I'm not fond of Artemis's character (sorry, but there it is), and she and Wally seem painfully mismatched to me. I just can't see Wally with a 'spitfire.' Not a fan...

GREG: 3. Sorry, but there is no triangle and there never was. Not in any of the characters (or creators) minds. Kid Flash is oblivious to Miss Martian's interest in Superboy. He doesn't know it, but he was never in the running. Miss Martian is not quite sure what to make of Kid Flash's hitting on her, but she never had any interest in him beyond the platonic. She likes Wally but was ATTRACTED to Superboy (and vice versa) from moment one. I think that's what happens sometimes. Sometimes two people just lock on. I'm not saying it's "Love at First Sight". But it's teen-crush at first sight. And it's moved forward from there. (Deeper feelings may come later.) People have accused us online of following a trope of good girl falling for bad boy, but they're missing that moment in "Fireworks" when they both immediately click. At that moment, M'gann had no idea Superboy was a bad boy. He was - to her, anyway - just, well, hot. Her ideal. As for Supey, Miss M. was pretty much the first girl (as opposed to woman) he had ever seen, and he locked on her as well, though he had no idea what to do with those feelings... and at times acted badly in part because of them (and because of his density). I mean you don't want a girl reading your mind, when what's on your mind is her, and you're not sure if she reciprocates. Every time he behaves badly, he struggles to make it right. And she seems quite empathetic toward his background and baggage, so she gives him a chance.
As for poor Wally and whether or not he winds up with Artemis (whom WE love, even if you don't)... you'll just have to wait and see.

- 2.Whats the heaviest object that Superboy can lift? Just asking because he can easily pick up a car, no problem, but a bus seems a little too much so if you can tell me whats his limit?

GREG: Superboy's strength limit's somewhere between a car and a bus.

-Is the the reason Superboy doesn't converse with the others on the team (except Aqualad..mostly) is because of his lack of realationship with Superman?

GREG: Super's a boy of few words in general. He's socially awkward, certainly. But I think you're overstating it. And let's not assume we're seeing every conversation on screen. We're not. If you want to see more, supplement your viewing with the new Young Justice in-continuity companion comic book. You'll get more background and even conversation there.

-3. Does Superboy only wear the "S" T-shirt for himself, Superman, AND Miss. Martian?
I've been wondering this for a while and had to force myself to wait until Artemis' debut to ask but.

GREG: 3. I don't think I understand the question.

- In the pilot, Superboy stated that he had learned to read and write from the other Genomorphs. He also said "there are images implanted in my mind." But in "Drop Zone", he warns the team of both smoke and an approaching helicopter by smell and sound alone. How did he recognize them?

GREG: Smell and sound can also be implanted in his mind. Don't get the idea that Superboy was being comprehensive about his G-Gnome education in a three sentence piece of dialogue.

- 2.Does Superboy have super speed?

GREG: He's faster than the normal human.

canon, superman: worst dad ever, !ooc

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