Title: Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier 2/3
Pairing: BAMF!John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13 - R ultimately
Word Count: 1800
Warnings: Awkward attempt at sex
Summary: John decides to take things into his own hands. Spoilers up through episode 1x03
Prequel Part 3 (
Part 2 )
Comments 2
oh, poor John! And silly Sherlock- not everything is work!!
“Congratulations Sherlock, you’ve solved the case. Can I go back to sleep now?”
“Do be quiet, I’m thinking,” Sherlock said, walking around the room. This is hysterical! And so is:
“There’s a sense where it’s not literal?” John asked, blinking stupidly up at Sherlock. *dies*
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