Hola lj world~
Yeah so getting a job where I actually work a lot kinda distracts from the whole posting to journals thing. I got a job at a mexican restaurant, as a host. It's actually pretty awesome. I actually talk/make friends with my coworkers, and Lizz is a server there! It's so awesome to work with my best friend. And actually, I worked yesterday and managed to sprain my thumb. I'm talented like that.
I got Razia's Shadow last saturday and omg I am in love! So wonderful. <333 I could listen to it nonstop for the rest of my life, probably.
I went and saw Ludo at The Barrymore on the 2nd. It was awesome, as usual. I saw Ali's family there (This girl I went to high school with in Monroe and who is always at Ludo shows), but not Ali herself. She apparently is going to school in Missouri. Her parents were wearing 'Ludo Ninja' shirts and her little sister and friends were wearing Ludo hoodies. It was pretty adorable. Ironically, when Lizz and I were talking to Ali's mom and her sister, a girl we went to middle school with randomly showed up and was like "Hey, is Ali here"? It was so bizarre, because Monroe is at least an hour away, and not that big. What are the odds of that? xD And earlier that night, we meet up with two friends from matc, once again randomly. It was pretty awesome and strange. Anyways, there's some pictures.
Lizz, Andrew from Ludo, Alicia and Seth.
I look so awkward in this picture! The three of us girls with two of the boys from This Providence.
The actual concert pictures turned out ranging from hilarious to really bad! xD I don't know what was up with my camera that night.
On the 17th, I went and saw Cobra Starship at The Rave. Lizz and I had meet and greet, along with Early Entry. We showed up a little early and stood around in the cold for a while. I had forgotten to bring in the posters we were going to get signed, and Lizz was kinda angry at me. But thankfully one of us thought up the idea of getting all the members of Cobra to draw something and sign it in her notebook.
The meet and greet was pretty awesome. It was a little room, and there weren't very many people there. In fact, when they let us in, they didn't check our bags, or even take our tickets. xD Alex actually came outside to help herd the little crowd of meet and greeters into the little bar room. Everyone actually seemed kinda shy... There was no mad rushing or crowding. I love Milwaukee for that. I've been to Chicago meet and greets, and they usually get pretty insane.
Nate was the second person to show up. I had the cd booklet for him to sign. I had already gotten everyone elses signatures except his at previous shows, and when I told him that, he told me the reason he didn't come out very often was because he had to pack up his drums.
Next, we talked to Ryland. Lizz told him that we had meet him at Warped when he was Guy Ripley, but he told us that it wasn't actually him, and people made that mistake all the time. xD I got the polaroid I got from the viva la cobra preorder signed.
After that, we talked to Gabe. When I asked him to signed my polaroid, he asked me if I had preordered the album. I told him yes, and he thanked me and just seemed really happy. I think Gabe is the nicest band person I have ever met. He always asks what people's name are, so he can personalize the autographs. I had met him when he was at the Rave in January, and he wished me a happy birthday on the cd booklet, which was pretty much the best present I got for my birthday. Later during the meet and greet, he send a message to his Twitter and misspelled Milwaukee. It was pretty weird getting that text when he was only a few feet away from me!
We finally talked to Alex after that. We didn't get much of a chance to really talk to him because there were a few other people around him who he was talking to at the same time.
Last we talked to Vicky T. She was sitting on a stool and had a really pretty dress, along with a really sparkly headband. I don't really remember what we talked about. Just some random stuff.
I don't have the drawings they did scanned yet, but I'll hopefully remember to scan them tomorrow and then post them.
He was putting his thumbs up, it got a little cut off xD
Then we got barrier, and I ended up passing out and then having a panic after Hit The Lights. I also completely freaked out at the girls behind us who were the biggest bitches ever. Completely missed Forever The Sickest Kids because of an EMT who refused to let me leave. Not that I blame her, but I didn't think it was such a big deal. Kinda put a damper on the whole show. Cobra was still awesome, but I can't help but think how awesome it would have been from barrier. Oh well. No concert pictures because flash wasn't allowed.
I'm going to see The Academy Is... on Saturday. I have meet and greet, and early entry. I can't wait! :)
I dyed my hair red. It pretty much failed.
At least it looks okay.
This took forever to type up. I'm sorry for all run-on sentences, and my weird writing style.