Mun: Meg,
neoehgeMuse: Rukawa Makoto,
lowsense, osaka playboy
Official Profile
名前(name): 流川誠 (Rukawa Makoto)
生年月日 (birthdate): 1984年2月27日 23歳
出身地 (birthplace/hometown): 大阪 (Osaka)
血液型 (bloodtype): B型
星座 (zodiac): 魚座 (pisces)
身長 (height): 174cm
体重 (weight): 57kg
足のサイズ (foot size): 26.5cm
視力 (eyesight): 1.0/1.0
香水 (perfume): わからない (don't know)
尊敬する人 (admired person): ミサキっち (Misakicchi?)
好きなタイプ (preferred type): 明るい子 (bright, cheerful girls)
嫌いなタイプ (disliked type): 根暗な子 (dark-natured, glum, introverted, pessimistic girls)
好きな食べ物 (favorite food): 野菜 (vegetables)
嫌いな食べ物 (disliked food): 野菜 (... vegetables... )
趣味 (hobbies): 完全寝ること (having a good sleep?)
前職 (previous employment): 力仕事 (strength/rough/hard work)
座右の銘 (motto): 寝る子は育つ (lit. "Kids who sleep grow up.")
AcQuA EP の中のポジション (AcQuA EP position): セクシー末っ子 (sexy youngin')
尊敬してる人 (admired type): 魂のこもった歌を歌う全ての人 (those who sing soulfully/wholeheartedly)
最近気になること (recent interest): 日本の政治 (Japanese politics)
ギャラリー (Gallery): [
過去日記ログ (Past Diaries): [
Muse Profile
Osaka born and bred, a young, rough-around-the-edges Mako was quick to decide that the school system wasn't for him, dropping out before graduation to head straight out into the real world - and make some money. Not that he could manage much without a degree; he ended up in the construction business for a few years when he couldn't find anything else to do. Fortunately for him, he was scouted not too long after at age 19 and traded coveralls and dust for a perfectly tailored suit and unlimited alcohol. Not to mention the women. Any young guy's dream, until he found out just how little his mother approved.
Mako hoped he could redeem himself in his mother's eyes by participating in AcQuA EP.
It didn't help.
He threw himself into it anyway.
- Is trying not to learn to hate women. ♥
- Is (and always will be) rough around the edges.
- Gets touchy about his family and his lack of education.
- Makes up for it with pure, unadulterated charm.
- Doesn't put on a show for customers. He is who he is.
- Will never act his age (always ten years older or ten years younger).
- Wishes he had the time to devote to a dog.
- Can be insufferably obnoxious for no good reason at all.
- Will probably kick your ass if you make fun of his Kansaiben.
- Is really a giant softie, underneath the grunge.
- Would never fuckin' admit it.