Title: Bed of Roses
Genre: Romance
Version: Anime
Pairing: Prince Demando/Usagi
Rating: G
She hated roses, they reminded her of the man that hurt her, but when Usagi walked into her room and saw rose petals scattered across her bed it made her heart skip a beat. Demando asked a servant to find only the most beautiful roses in the garden to be used; it had to be perfect. And it was.
It had been a year since Usagi and Mamoru had split up and she had met her Prince. Her friends were against it at first, but once they saw that he was nothing more than a pawn in someone else's game they warmed to him. He was wonderful to Usagi, always treating her like a princess, his princess.
Demando stepped up behind her with a coy grin. "I had hoped you would like it." Usagi turned to face him and smiled.
"I love it." She slid her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. "Thank you."
"Anything for you, my queen."
Words were no longer needed as the pair made their way to the bed. They let their actions speak for them as they melted into one with the rose petals mixed into her hair.