I added Jenova's Box to my box collection...

Jul 24, 2006 10:30

Teh Survey of DOOM

The Basics

Name: Michaelene! (Crazy, I know!!!!! XDDD It's pronounced "Michael" with an "ene", just in case you're unsure like everyone is for some strange reason....-_-)
Nickname: Mikki (Yup! Mike E! XD)
Age: 17
Gender: Um, can you guess yet? XDD It's female.
Likes: Oh, anything really! I like warmth, happiness, laughter, hanging out with friends, playing video games, dreams, food, old movies, the internet
Dislikes: Rap music, snobby, stuck-up, and/or generally mean peoples, posers and wannabes, cloudy days, spiders, and cl...cl...CLOWNS!!! O____O
Strong Points: Happy-go-lucky, (Can you tell yet?) zany, outrageous, funny, loving, a dreamer, a bit of a tomboy, an optimist, sweet
Weak Points: Can be a real idoit, stupid naive, a lamer, carefree, simpleton, strange, can get depressed or be a jerk when I get pissed, carfree, gets misunderstood by the tone I say things in or by the way I talk.
Kindly share something few people know about you. Good one, mods! :D I'm a really imaginative and creative person when I want to be.

The Middle Part

Is the glass half full or half empty?: Half Full, man! Optimism Rocks! :D
Would you cross the bridge, ignore the bridge and find a longer route, burn the bridge, or burn it while you were in the middle of it, just for argument's sake?: O_o Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh.......I'd cross the bridge. I used to ignore it and find a longer route, but now that I'm growing up, I've learned to be brave and cross it. If that's what it means! XD
Colour or color?: Color. I've learned to say it without the u. Hey man, doesn't mean I have anything against people who spell it that way, if that's your thing than that's cool with me. It's just a word.
Favourite quote?: "Imagination counts more than knowledge."- Albert Einstein. :D
Favourite Colour?: Red, baby! My favorite color has changed throughout the years. When I was little, it was blue, than it was pink, then purple, now it's red! It may change again. XD I'm also quite partial to green! :D
Past times?: Playing video games, going on LJ, talking to myself, thinking, drawing, and writing.

The Ending Part

Favourite FFVII character?: Hmmm....if I had to pick, probably Cid! He's F%#@ing great! XDDD I also like Tifa and Aeris. Tifa just kicks butt and Aeris is too cool for me not to like.
Least Favourite?: Yuffie. I'm sorry, she just annoys the crap out of me.
Which one you think you're most like and why?: O_O I duuno. Sephiroth? XDDD Kidding. Probably Marlane.
Would you like to be voted male or female?: It doesn't matter to me! :)
How did you hear about acratings? You guys are an affiliate for the com I co-mod: _zelda_rating! :D

Anything else? Last night I had this dream that Sephiroth lived in my Grandma's yard and Cloud and I where running through this really long trail of grass. That's when I decided, "I'll join the Advent Children Rating Community on LJ!" XD I am the biggest dork this side of the east coast. I'm also still wearing my pajamas....I'm so lazy. XD

PICTURES!!! Please post at least two or three clear pictures, but you can post more. No cosplay pics unless those are the only ones you honestly have >_>;; Or, describe yourself. We really wanna know if we're stalking the right person ;} Lol, I just have one picture...and the second one is a doll...^^; I hope that's OK with you! Once, my friend told me I should cosplay as Aeris. What do you guys think? XD

I have glasses now, I just got'em a few weeks ago, so there aren't any pics of me in them yet. XD Just imagine this face with a pair of plum-colored, wire-framed glasses. 8D

----That's why I made this doll: XD

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