Teh Survey of DOOM
The Basics
Name: Lindsay
Nickname: Linds is the generic, obligatory one that most everyone calls me, including myself;
Lindskaba is my online nick that has sort of...transcended the screen so that people sometimes call me it or variations of it--'skaba, 'skabob--in real life. Some select few also call me Moony (or "Moon" or "The Moon"...or "Da Moon" XD), a reference to Remus Lupin from Harry Potter. I'm sort of that role in our group, the level-headed, kind, intelligent one who is always lending support.
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Likes: I would say that my life is pretty much dedicated to finding beauty, happiness, and perfection. My search for these things is something that affects my daily life. I am very much into writing--my own and that of others. I mostly write fanfiction (guh), but I am attempting to branch out and create some original works. I will probably end up utilizing writing in my career somehow; I'm sort of leaning towards being a theatre or movie critic. Or editing. We'll see. My major is english, and I love to read and analyze books...as well as anything else that comes my way. I probably overanalyse, really XD One of my faults, I'd say, as well as a strength, because I'd rather be too acutely aware of myself and the world than be completely ignorant to it. I like laughing and smiling and hanging out with friends on a warm summer day in front of the pool. I've recently discovered I like children too; I think as I get older, my maternal instinct grows stronger x_x though I will not be having children for a LONG TIME, hopefully... I also love dogs and cats. My other love aside from writing is the theatre. I LOVE performing, singing, acting... I can't live without it. It, along with writing, is my passion. I enjoy going to shows and plays or participating in them, analyzing them, thinking about them... I'm in an a cappella group at university and I think I would die without it. I'm also in a theatre group that I would probably become depressed without XD I am big on culture as well. I am currently visiting my friend in Washington DC, and I had to BEG her to take me to the Smithsonian and all the monuments (even though I've seen them all already!). I just can't get enough. I was bouncing around like a small child. I guess you could say, then, that I really enjoy learning. I love feeling like I am improving myself, intellectually or emotionally or physically (though I could definitely stand improvement on the latter--guh). So to sum it up, let's see... Singing, acting, dancing, writing, reading, jazz music, rock music, performing, life, beauty, perfection, persuit of perfection, summer, fall, video games (yes, forgot about those, yes), movies, culture, learning, teaching, doing fun thingd with friends, introspection, understanding...getting dressed up and looking pretty (I'm a total flipping girl)... deep lyrics, moving music, fun and upbeat music that you can dance to, getting drunk with friends (it's fun sometimes!), intelligent discussion, open-mindedness, obsessing about my fandoms (Kingdom Hearts, FFVII, Utena, Harry Potter, Cowboy Bebop) vanilla, bananas, pasta. Hee ^^
Dislikes: Random acts of cruelty. Blatant ignorance. Self-importance. Intentful alienation. Self-centeredness. Arrogance (though, er... I am a little arrogant myself, so perhaps I should change this to intense narcicissm). War. Feeling awkward or out of place or unconfident. Not being good at something. Failure. Oh lord, Failure x_x Closed-mindedness. When something doesn't go the way I wanted it to. When I am struck by writer's block (though that would fall into the category of not being good at something--for when I AM struck by writer's block, I feel worthless at writing). Soda. Heavy sauces on food (I like light things on my stomach). Feeling frustrated. Feeling low. Disgusting movies...and I don't mean FUNNY disgusting, I mean you have gone way over the top disgusting. Like Ren and Stimpy. Sorry to fans, but that was just not the show for me when I was a kid.
Strong Points: Let's see.. I'm incredibly empathic and self-aware, emotional and in touch with myself and the world. I am constantly looking to improve myself, striving closer to perfection. I'm intelligent, and am able to have intelligent conversations with others, and express myself well; when I'm in good form, people have told me that I speak in poetry. And I pride myself on the way I can communicate myself in writing. I have a great sense of humour, and what I've been told to be a great laugh. I think I'm a talented singer and acress, and have a great amount of charisma...or so I'm told. I have an ability to be a good moderator, probably, since I am able to identify with all parties involved. I am a natural leader, though I am not bombastic about it. I am incredibly, forcibly driven in life... I have high goals for myself (often set too high), and when I put my mind to something, I will not stop until I've done it. I will not be a quiter in this life. I give good advice and will always listen to my friends when they need a shoulder. I am very supportive and generally laid back...at least, generally ^^ I have my bad days, my bad moments... But those will be left for the weak points section.
Weak Points: I am incredibly self-critical, and it is easy for me to work myself into inaction. That is, if I feel like I completely suck at something--from singing, at the moment, to life overall--then I won't want to do it at all. This tends to screw things up for me, say, when I have a paper due and I can't seem to write it because I think it sucks. I tend, therefore, to have a sort of depressive attitude that mars my search for happiness, beauty, and perfection. I can get very loner-ish in these times. It is difficult, at all times, for me to trust others, and I sometimes develop a very cynical outlook on people. I don't like falseness (should have put that in my dislikes). I fucking HATE it actually. I am sometimes indecisive. Sometimes inhibited. Sometimes shy. Or sometimes too outgoing, if that makes sense. I can be incredibly controlling and stubborn if the fire is ignited in me (my element is earth, to which I feel incredibly connected, but fire also rages strong within me). I like things to be a certain way. I have my father's temper. I am often incredibly anxious and worrisome and so fatalistic and intense, though I am trying to work on that.
Kindly share something few people know about you. I like cute boyshort underwear ^^
The Middle Part
Is the glass half full or half empty?: It's half in the glass and half in your tummy :)
Would you cross the bridge, ignore the bridge and find a longer route, burn the bridge, or burn it while you were in the middle of it, just for argument's sake?: I'd cross the bridge, but probably cry and freak out the whole while. When I got to the other side, I'd laugh and celebrate.
Colour or color?: I like colour cause it's prettier-looking, though it probably makes me sound pretentious ^^;;;
Favourite quote?: I honestly don't have a favorite quote... I don't pay attention to them enough, I don't think. But my favourite song lyrics at the moment are:
At night she spreads her wings
She dreams of bigger things
She floats above the town
She sings without a sound
She can be anywhere at all
She can be anyone at all
A glow and then a shine
What she hoped she would find
Tonight, tonight
She's got a picture in her mind
She can be anyone at all
At night she changed her mind
She left the world behind
I find myself incredibly connected to them. I feel really connected to...wings, in general. Oddly enough. I also love "I'm sleeping with seclusion in sweet disarray" because of the way it sounds... Oh my god, the best poetry I've ever heard.
Favourite Colour?: Green has always been my fave, but recently I have become attracted to purples, violets, etc.
Past times?: Um, don't want to sound pretentious or anything, but this should be "Pass Times" - "Past Times" made me think that I was supposed to talk about my history! Well, as I've said, I enjoy writing, reading, singing, acting, dancing, performing in general, learning about culture, analyzing, and going out and having fun with my friends. I also like to play video games and role play. I'm a total, complete dork, I'll admit it.
The Ending Part
Favourite FFVII character?: Guh, this is such a hard one, I really love them all. It's close between Tifa and Nanaki. I love Tifa because she is so... In many ways, she's what I want to be. She's strong, confident in herself, has an incredibly full and open heart. She's dedicated, loving, selfless, self-sufficient, low-maintenance, BEAUTIFUL, and Cloud loves her XD. She's one of FF's best and strongest females, I think. Really breaks out of the mold. I love Nanaki because of his story, his character originality, his love for culture, his spirituality.... And because his english voice is effing PERFECT, though he only got to say one line the entire time *tear* - I haven't seen the Japanese version in full (though I plan to soon), so I can't comment on his seiyuu. I also fangirl Cloud and Reno a hell of a lot :3
Least Favourite?: Oh geez, this is hard too because I can see greatness in ALL of the characters... Though...what'shisname, the cat dude... He really annoyed me in the game. It's been a long time since I've played it and granted I don't really remember a whole lot of it, but I remember that I found his character to be deplorable in many ways, really slimy and sleazy and weak. I THINK he has a reason for it or something, but even then I was just not impressed. Bottom-dwellers, people who feed upon the strength of others just to get ahead... they really anger me.
Which one you think you're most like and why?: Again, I'd really like to be like Tifa, but I'm not sure how much I am... I think I have a bit of Cloud in me, on my dark days, as well as a bit of Aerith on my best. Perhaps Nanaki's spirituality, calm, and inner strength. I'm hesitant to say who I'm most like because, relly, I don't know the characters as well as I should. That's why I'm here, isn't it? :)
Would you like to be voted male or female?: Doesn't matter.
How did you hear about
acratings? Honestly, I love rating communities, and I just saw AC the other day and fell completely in love, so I searched this comm out myself :)
Anything else? I think I've covered it all... Yeahhh, sorry about the length @_@
PICTURES!!! Please post at least two or three clear pictures, but you can post more. No cosplay pics unless those are the only ones you honestly have >_>;; Or, describe yourself. We really wanna know if we're stalking the right person ;}
Hi, guys. ♥
's me in front of the Washington monument; just took it yesterday :)
The quintissential me. I'm the one on the left. I might be slightly tipsy here X3
Ooh, serious.
One of my favorite pictures of myself, taken by my lovely friend Kaila.
She also took these:
Sorry I am pretty much long winded. Thanks for sticking it out till the end!