Teh Survey of DOOM
The Basics
Name: Rik
Nickname: Riktard, Som, Sommiebop, Assbee, Reno, Rude, Blue Bastard, Manpeach, Katchoo
Age: 25
Gender: Female. D:
Likes: booze, porn, drawing, writing, women, guys, video games, ridiculous hats, redheads, good food, terrible movies, musics, the zoo, lasers and giant robots, good fanfiction, good slash, fanart that makes guys look like guys, facial scruff, strip clubs, green tea, my best friends, fireworks, guns, and... umm......... booze :|
Dislikes: Nosy people, people who call tech support for things they could read in the first page of their manuals, mushrooms, bell peppers, raw onions, coffee, peer pressure, bad luck, shota/child porn, tight shoes, ginger, willful ignorance, and runny eggs.
Strong Points: Uhhh. I'm there for my friends. o_o I... can draw? Sometimes? And my sideburns help me get all the ladies. I'm also very good at hugging.
Weak Points: I'm a lazy slob. I'm insecure (( but isn't everyone? )), and I have OCD, and I'm apologetic to a fault. I kinda smell funny sometimes, and I'm introverted.
Kindly share something few people know about you. I used to be in a band that never did anything. Our name was Starcrossed Fellatio. :(
The Middle Part
Is the glass half full or half empty?: It depends on what's in it and how thirsty I am. If you mean to ask whether I'm pessimistic or optimistic, THAT depends on my mood. Usually optimistic. :3
Would you cross the bridge, ignore the bridge and find a longer route, burn the bridge, or burn it while you were in the middle of it, just for argument's sake?: Realistically, I'd probably cross it. In Awesomeland, I'd cross it and leave landmines on it in my wake.
Colour or color?: Colour by preference, color by memory.
Favourite quote?: Oh, that isn't fair. I have plenty of those. I guess, currently, it would be a toss-up between "He's like connect-four in cock punchin' terms!", "This is CAKETOWN!", and "The moon big inside a tube!"
Favourite Colour?: Purpleandgreen. Also, light blue.
Pastimes?: Slacking off, drawing, roleplaying, surfing teh weebarnetz, plying my friends with terrifying YouTube links, subjecting myself to terrifying YouTube links, watching and creating porn, buying useless crap, and rearranging my toy collection.
The Ending Part
Favourite FFVII character?: Reno and Rude!
Least Favourite?: I can't decide between Vincent or Cloud.
Which one you think you're most like and why?: ....Ahahaha. This is a kicker. I don't prefer to judge things like that. The general consensus amongst my friends tosses me between Reno and Rude. It seems on the internet, I'm more like Reno, and in real life, I'm more like Rude. Personally? I think I'm a little bit of Cid, which doesn't make me very happy. D:
Would you like to be voted male or female?: Male, please. It's a long story.
How did you hear about
acratings? My friend Celibop. :3
Anything else? Not particularly. I could use a scotch and someone to do my homework for me, though. I haven't slept in about 37 hours.
Err... right. These took me a while. I don't picture very well. o_o
Myself and my buddy Amy, sporting some awesome shirts.
I'm very tired. Doubly hilarious and ironic coupled with my domain name.
I looked like the kickassest dyke in the universe one time. I was happy with that.