Friends Only

Aug 22, 2006 20:00

Friends Only

Hey guys.. I haven't wanted to do this, but for professional reasons, it seems that I must. From now on, my journal will be friends only. If you want to be added, comment. And tell me how we know eachother/or why you want to be added, and I'll probably add you! Thanks!

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Comments 9

jewel_case August 24 2006, 00:01:05 UTC
Hi there!

Just wanted to see how your first week of classes is going!

If you have any questions, please let me know!


actresluv77 August 24 2006, 00:25:30 UTC
Thanks for asking! That's so thoughtful! I absolutely LOVE Stetson. It's frustrating though because I've never felt so unintelligent in my life! I hear that it's designed that way though. I hope that's true and I'm not the only one that feels this way!

How about you? How has your week been?


jewel_case August 24 2006, 03:49:15 UTC
Don't worry - I said the EXACT same thing! (In fact, I'm still saying it!) What classes are you taking and who do you have?

My week has been horribly hectic. I'm doing an internship in Tampa, so fighting the traffic across the bridge is insane. I'm also enrolled in 17 hours, so I'm going a bit batty. The most I've ever done is 15, so I'm wondering what is wrong with me. But if I want to graduate on time (which is still months after my section will graduate), this is my only option. Grrr. Also, my ADR prof assigned 79 pages for the first day! SEVENTY NINE!


actresluv77 August 24 2006, 10:56:41 UTC
Wow! That does sound like you're going crazy!

I'm taking
Research + Writing 1 with Cameron
Civil Procedure with Finch
Torts with Kaye
Real Property 1 with J.J. Brown
and Contracts 1 with Zierdt.


(The comment has been removed)

actresluv77 August 24 2006, 22:50:29 UTC
Haha.. yeah, it was meant for new people :)


_freyja_ October 11 2006, 06:48:53 UTC
Hey! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I am Laura (the redheaded one who wasn't Bridget) from 1st semester freshman year's theatre class. I found you through _titania_ (Racheal) who was my roommate Jr/Sr year. Anyways, I kinda read through your journal (I promise you it was in a non-creepy way ;-) ) and would enjoy being friends and being able to further read about your law school exploits... So, yeah. Want to be friends?


actresluv77 February 7 2007, 04:17:11 UTC
Hey.. i don't know what's wrong with me but i JUST saw this comment.. anyway.. friended.


_freyja_ February 7 2007, 05:39:19 UTC
It's okay :-)

I'll friend you back...


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