Monthly Challenge: July

Jul 02, 2011 13:45

Hope you guys don't mind a non-icon challenge. It's been six months since our last header challenge so I thought it wouldn't be so bad if we do this twice a year ;)


This month we'll be making a brand new header for the community!

You may submit up to 2 entries max.

Dimensions are 810 pixels wide, and the height is up to you

Use any actress(es) of your choice, supply your own pictures

You may include the community name 'actress_ic/Actress Icontest' etc. or just leave it blank if you wish

Don't worry about trying to match the colours of our current layout, I will probably alter the layout colour scheme once we have our winning header


You must be a member of the community to enter

Don't post your entries anywhere else until the winners have been announced

No animations allowed, but other effects like text and textures are fine

Submit your entries in a reply to this post (in thumbnail/ URL form), all comments are screened

Deadline is Sunday, 31st July Midnight ACST [time left] //CLOSED

If any of these rules aren't clear enough, or you're unsure about something please don't hesitate to ask ;]

Total Entries: 07

!header challenge, submit, monthly challenge: july

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