Name: Lauren
Age: 18
Stamped as: Liv Tyler
Three votes:
1. 2. 3. 5 positive words about yourself: Gentle, kind, sweet, quiet, independent, intelligent, strong-minded.
5 negative words about yourself: Cynical, stubborn, proud, serious, workaholic.
Describe what your life is like right now: Lovely.
Describe your current love life & views of love: Open :)
Hobbies? Sports, sleeping, dreaming, writing and reading, traveling, watching British TV shows, being in nature, running, driving, music, listening to classic rock.
Do you like spotlight? The spotlight, you mean? I'm supposedly a good actor but I get stagefright up to the moment I open my mouth, then I totally ham it up XD
Do you watch Disney movies/shows? Yes.
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert.
Take or Give: Take.
Life or Death: Life.
Smiles or Tears: Both.
Being lonely or with someone?: With someone. But just because you're single doesn't necessarily mean you're loney |D
Are you:
[ ] Cunning
X ] Smart
[ X] Kind
[X ] Brave
[ ] Villainous
[X ] Naive
[ ] Normal
[ ] Kind of Crazy
[X ] Caring
[ ] Happy
[ ] Sad