[QUEST] By Daytime

Sep 29, 2010 18:13

Party: Judas and all the other cool kids!
Location: Blessenwood!
Time: Not by moonlight! Let's say sometime after the crack of noon when some people wake up!
Reason: Sightings of a strange monster have concerned some of the townspeople...and Judas, for that matter.
Warnings: Maybe not violence this time. Just one more disturbing monster. Hilarity Melodrama ensues. No really, this is very serious business. Noyep. >>;;

"It's real and it's here! I just saw it near the shed!"

[At this point, that one villager's cry had become commonplace. That exclamation, along with "a fiend unlike any other," "a new brand of horror," and "a freak of nature" just began to cover the various descriptions of an entity of whom news had flooded the town gossip's alarmed cries and hushed whispers. It had emerged out of nowhere, first seen deep in the forest, but gradually spotted at random hours raiding the crops and making off with allegedly vital town supplies for the winter...and possibly a few children, if the sources from which that information came were at all to be trusted, which they weren't.  However, regardless of the exaggerations, one thing was certain: The town had grown uneasy, its people unsafe. Something had to be done.]

[Unfortunately, what had to be done and what was to be done did not coincide in this case, as a certain someone soon discovered. Amongst the stupefied horror and awe of the witnesses and the superstitious, there seemed to be a frenzied agreement that somehow and someway, the town would have to rid itself of this new found menace. One notably antisocial and seemingly unconcerned individual happened upon the mess of people and stiffened upon hearing the details, a dark shadow cast under the mask on his face.  As soon as the people of Blessenwood remembered to alert Ad Libitum, he cut in with a slightly different strategy: ]

Your mindless squawking won't improve the situation. Be quiet--I'll take care of it.

[It was careless of him to assume that would end the conversation. Judas had hoped they would nod dumbly, cutting the silence and letting him take care of this mishap without outside interference. When later endowed with hindsight, he would wonder if he should have simply acted without consulting them, given his less than trustworthy reputation and  lack of connection to the other off-worlders in Ad Libitum. When questioned shortly thereafter, he gave no reason for his motives, and he warded off any further probing with cold looks as well as some terse (and when pressured, barbed) retorts. His main request, which he found himself repeating more clearly for these people, was for them to be silent about the matter and let him do it alone,  something which he would have to soon give up demanding. ]

[Needless to say, things did not quite go his way. The townspeople insisted that a party be formed to take it on. Someone had already begun asking for able-bodied fighters, especially from Ad Libitum, to fight the blue behemoth, asking him to wait in the center of town while the other party members gathered. After a quick objection, he had  hesitated to give into the insistent rejection of his proposal and, with one surrender laced with the slightest hints of venom and condescending amusement, hurried off to the town square while some panicked individuals scrambled to the inn and to the Ad Libitum branch in search of help.  During this time, he took it upon himself to act as the stoic watchman, though the longer he waited, the more he gave into the unconscious habit of tapping his foot. Had things gone his way, he would have left them behind ten minutes ago, but he convinced himself to tolerate the outcome as long as he could accomplish what he set out to do without hindrance.]

[As he heard footsteps, he checked over his shoulder to size up whoever might have come. ]

judas, location: blessenwood, ruca milda

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