Who: Genis Sage, Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel, Kohaku Hearts.
Where: Blessenwood to begin with, and then they'll be traveling to Wuldorwurth.
When: Three days after
this BBS message in Blessenwood's Ad Libitum chapter was made.
Why: Off to explore the world!
Open/Closed: Closed
Warnings: Umm ... there shouldn't be anything over PG-13 happening.
As she had been advised to do, Kohaku appeared at the Ad Libitum Guild Headquarters in Blessenwood before heading out to the exit of the city. It was a slight change in plans than what she had originally thought she'd be doing, but she was extremely happy to have some company on the way to the unknown, which, in this case, was Wuldorwurth.
She arrived at the guild and moved to take down her note before heading toward the front desk. She looked around for any sign of the group that was supposed to accompany her.
"Hello ..?"