well, i suppose that the bell jar is one of my favourite novels ever. it hangs with you for weeks after you've read it and is so gorgeously eery and complex. there's not really any spoilers in this mix, don't worry.
my secret place | the fat tulips
as i sit on a broken bench
blowing time from a dandelion
i hope no-one will find me
discover my secret place
look at her face | the coral sea
look at her face
she's crying
see her disgrace
it's blinding
hide & seek | imogen heap
ransom notes keep falling out your mouth
mid-sweet talk, newspaper word cut outs
speak no feeling
no i don't believe you
you don't care a bit
communication | the cardigans
if you want communication
that’s what you get
i’m talking and talking
But i don’t know
how to connect
the last page | emily haines and the soft skeleton
don't become the one you hated
death is absolutely safe
a billion bibles mark the last page