lol, it's me, Yuufor_her_masterSeptember 5 2011, 03:28:26 UTC
And I've always thought that for example Luke is the main male character and Tear in the main female character. The other playable characters are supporting characters and the rest minor.
The ones you're thinking of would definitely NOT break that rule. With how you made the apps, as long as the characters helps out the story line at least 3 times they'd be able to be playable in this game. Personality on the other hand may be a bit hard to justify for characters such as Frings and Urushi how didn't have much times to shine so I'm wondering if maybe there's a way to mix justifiable head canon with minor characters? Because if you do Frings or Urushi I did say I'd app Jozette or Noir for you~
"If the character you want to play isn't a main character and you aren't sure if he or she will be acceptable, check with us. Chances are we will let you play him/her if you provide enough information. Some fanon is okay as long as there are sufficient official sources to draw your assumptions from."
Yeah, IDK much about Urushi's personality. There isn't too much to go on, even with his lines in the anime/game and that one Fon Disc. I wouldn't even know what to say really. XD I could say whether he'd go along with a thing and give examples of his speech but that's about it.
Frings on the other hand, we sort of get some ideas of his motives and what he believes based on his actions and we also know from NPCs that along with Emperor Peony, Frings is held in pretty high regard within Grand Chokmah. Though I'd kill to get my hands on a translation of the novel Cecille's story is in. :| I could post my app I never finished for another game a long time ago if that would help with whether my fanon/evaluation is justifiable?
Yeaah, unfortunately with Urushi there isn't much aside from the fact that he'd follow Noir to the ends of the world and totally would use his cain to take someone down...maybe even for the lulz.
Though I wouldn't know how you'd feel about making some sort of exception for /REALLY/ minor characters such as him...I'd have to say Noir too because she's only a tiny step up from obscure, maybe even Nebbles cause she be cracra even if I did write up an app for her
Knowing you and how you roll, what you did for Frings would be amazing and should be acceptable. I know you went through the side quest, jotted down everything they did plus conversation. I even look through them to gear myself into playing Jozette (Yes, they are that helpful and amazing.)
Well, I know pre!cracra Nebbles is played at Luceti, and people play Nephry here and there, and we had Cantabile before. Personally, if someone used the canon that's available and worked something believable and good around it, I don't think I'd have any objections. With Noir, her background might be a bit of a blur, but her personality's recognizable and left an impression on me when I played/watched.
I'd say that it's less 'main character/minor character' and more 'major character/minor character'. As Yuu pointed out, the Main Character is the one character that the story revolves around. A major character, on the other hand, does not have to be the story's focus, but is still important to the story. Jade here is a major character, for example, but he's not in the spotlight all the time like Luke is.
I'd define a major character as someone who is 100% essential to the story. The main party, and the primary antagonists. The people who are most likely to encounter each other over the course of their story. Minor characters are the ones who are more removed from the spotlight. They mainly work behind the scenes.
Also, a voicetesting meme could be great. Trying out new voices can be frustrating, especially if you only have Dear Mun to go to.
I guess you can, if you want to. XD; I'll admit that I may have locked on to one point and forgotten about the rest. It's late here.
I would think, though, as long as the characters you're playing don't have a significant amount of screentime with each other (e.g. Ginji and Dist would be okay, but Ginji and Asch would be a little... weird, since they work together), then you should be good.
Comments 10
And I've always thought that for example Luke is the main male character and Tear in the main female character. The other playable characters are supporting characters and the rest minor.
The ones you're thinking of would definitely NOT break that rule. With how you made the apps, as long as the characters helps out the story line at least 3 times they'd be able to be playable in this game. Personality on the other hand may be a bit hard to justify for characters such as Frings and Urushi how didn't have much times to shine so I'm wondering if maybe there's a way to mix justifiable head canon with minor characters? Because if you do Frings or Urushi I did say I'd app Jozette or Noir for you~
Yeah, IDK much about Urushi's personality. There isn't too much to go on, even with his lines in the anime/game and that one Fon Disc. I wouldn't even know what to say really. XD I could say whether he'd go along with a thing and give examples of his speech but that's about it.
Frings on the other hand, we sort of get some ideas of his motives and what he believes based on his actions and we also know from NPCs that along with Emperor Peony, Frings is held in pretty high regard within Grand Chokmah. Though I'd kill to get my hands on a translation of the novel Cecille's story is in. :| I could post my app I never finished for another game a long time ago if that would help with whether my fanon/evaluation is justifiable?
Though I wouldn't know how you'd feel about making some sort of exception for /REALLY/ minor characters such as him...I'd have to say Noir too because she's only a tiny step up from obscure, maybe even Nebbles cause she be cracra even if I did write up an app for her
Knowing you and how you roll, what you did for Frings would be amazing and should be acceptable. I know you went through the side quest, jotted down everything they did plus conversation. I even look through them to gear myself into playing Jozette (Yes, they are that helpful and amazing.)
Reply here you go. The history needs fixing because I confused/shortened the back-and-forth-a-million-times part of the sidequest.
Yeah, I did that for Ginji, too. He only had six lines in the game but more in the anime.
I'd define a major character as someone who is 100% essential to the story. The main party, and the primary antagonists. The people who are most likely to encounter each other over the course of their story. Minor characters are the ones who are more removed from the spotlight. They mainly work behind the scenes.
Also, a voicetesting meme could be great. Trying out new voices can be frustrating, especially if you only have Dear Mun to go to.
Do you mind if I use that explanation? And if I can, would you like it noted somewhere that those are your words?
/o That's what I was thinking, kinda.
I would think, though, as long as the characters you're playing don't have a significant amount of screentime with each other (e.g. Ginji and Dist would be okay, but Ginji and Asch would be a little... weird, since they work together), then you should be good.
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