How dare you, Berkeley, like Alonzis, is an atmosphere, not a place. Chigargo, pah, caca de perro.
Not all comments are directed at you paranoid-hermaphrodite, and if you think you can come over and have a smoke in MY HOU$E, think again, you're dumped, and the baby? i lied, it's not yours, it's Fernandos, yes Fernando, and all those times, ha, i was pretending, why don't you just go back to what you do best, serve coffee,
go N,
Comments 6
indeed, you mentioned it in your lj post just there. oh dear.
Not all comments are directed at you paranoid-hermaphrodite, and if you think you can come over and have a smoke in MY HOU$E, think again, you're dumped, and the baby? i lied, it's not yours, it's Fernandos, yes Fernando, and all those times, ha, i was pretending, why don't you just go back to what you do best, serve coffee,
go N,
i'll call over later, yeah?
now let us pick on someone else, but who?
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