Tonight's SPN, the one with the name I can't remember

Mar 20, 2009 00:45

Thoughts on tonight's Supernatural... be warned, there are only two positive lines in the whole damn thing!  Read for amusement, read for curiosity, but please do not read with the intention of slamming me!  
First things first, enough enough enough with the whole 'sacrificial women in white dresses' thing.  OK.  B/c you know I'm not a psycho feminist or anything but this is effing ridiculous.  AND she was stabbed in the perfect place to showcase her breasts.  Thanks Show.

Anyway, on to other things.  Alastair's voice was ridiculous and annoying.  I thought it was like, a fake voice, until he kept doing it and doing it and doing it.  Then I started fast forwarding (gotta love VCRs), so there are some gaps in my knowledge.

The Ruby and Sam blood-sucking scene was annoying and gross.  Besides which, would there really be anything in her blood other than... blood?  How would a demonic possession change the very blood pumping through those veins?  Wouldn't that mean bad things for people who have been possessed and then unpossessed - like maybe the little girl (my fanfic hath taken me over, Abby demands justice)!  And Sam.  And John.  It just doesn't make sense.

Next: I didn't watch the torture scene.  Sorry.  I was trying to watch this show as a parody tonight anyway, that's how painful it was to my brain.  OK, so ANNA is back??  In her original packaging that was blown to smithereens??  WTF.  What kind of favors could she have called in?  Did she get some plastic surgeon buddies to modify a victim of choice?  Besides which, a casting change would've made perfect sense for her.  The doe-eyed actress just always looks innocent and confused, which was great for the girl in the insane asylum, but not so great for the supposedly tough angel chick.  Her scenes with Castiel were grating.  This is not Beverly Angels 90210.

When Alastair said that demons weren't the ones killing angels I got really excited - really excited that Anna was doing it.  It seemed to fit somehow - rogue angel forced to take back her magic groovy lava lamp essence and decided to kill anyone who she doesn't like.  But instead it was the angry black man.  Oh Uriel (I pronounce it ooo-ri-el, like my classmate who is actually named that does, besides Yu-riel sounds dumb).  At least now we know why Uriel was allowed to have facial expressions and Castiel was not.  But this only led to angelic fisticuffs again!  Yay!  Because they may be super-powerful, but they're totally scrappers.  It doesn't make sense!  (I know, I know, this show isn't supposed to, leave me alone.)  I had hoped that this was the end of Castiel, but sadly, Anna showed up, blah.  One more WTF moment before we move on - how can Uriel say that he's mad at God for creating humans and making them his favorites, and then two seconds later say that there might not be one.  Belief doesn't work that way, Uriel.  Either you have daddy issues or you don't, you can't have daddy issues without having a daddy.

I did like Sam kicking ass and taking names.  Who, when given the option of having the ability to murder demons with their mind, would say no?  Even if it meant vampirics.  And seriously how did she get him to do that the first time?  ::doesn't really want to know::

All in all this episode was horrifying.  The Dean angst was palpable it was so thick.  Sam was only around for 2 seconds, and the angels have taken over the show!  Where's that show I used to like?  Remember that one, about the two brothers?  There was the really tall angsty one, and the shorter ego-centric one.  They blew shit up, drove fast cars, and shot stuff.  And it was actually entertaining.  Funny, yet thoughtful, angsty yet happy.  Those were the days.

I can has Ghostfacers spin-off show to watch instead nao plz??

spn review

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