Heroes this week

Mar 31, 2009 00:19

Comments on tonight's Heroes
OK, first things first, I actually liked the Church scenes tonight.  Usually I cringe when TV strays into Catholicism, but I found this episode to actually handle it very well.  Of course the church itself was gorgeous, and it had all those old school red candleholders.  Peter kneeling in front of a statue of Jesus and releasing his emo seemed right to me.  I've felt like a show with such angst potential has been somewhat glazing over the "your life as you know it is over" part this volume, so I liked to see Peter have some genuine anger over losing everything.  Also the Italian in me just assumed he was "speaking" to Jesus, not necessarily God.  Tis much more likely for a Petrelli.  Also when Angela pointed to the stained glass image of Mary?  So much love.  OK, moving on now.

The confessionals were the worst. hiding. place. ever.  Couldn't they have at least hoofed it to the creepy basement crawl-space or the catwalk above the sanctuary, or the sacresty or something?

Claire and Nathan in Mexico - man why would you go there, Nathan?  You're just asking for Claire to end up involved in drug wars.  You couldn've picked somewhere safer, like the middle of the woods, or Iceland, or the Mohawk Reservation or something.  Doesn't Nathan know that a former Heroes character was jailed, then murdered in Mexico?  Not to mention all those poor cops with the black liquid all over their faces.  Srsly.  I figured Claire would have drinking immunity.  But still, that must suck.  Can't feel pain, can't get drunk, probably can't get high.  What will she do when she becomes emo-er?  She can't just cry forever, you know!  It was nice to see more Claire and Nathan interaction, though I had to keep reminding myself that they were related.  Those Petrellis just always bring the incest apparently.

Though now we have Peter and Nathan both taking to the skies to search for each other.  Mid-air collision anyone?  Hopefully they'll all fall on Claire and thereby live to emo another day!

What else what else?  Oh right, Sylar.  ::facepalm::  They do realize that "Five Years Gone" (or whatever it's called, my memory is made of fail) was meant to be like a cool Elseworlds deal, not a plan for the future, right?  Cause like... now mutants are being hunted, and Sylar can shapeshift.  Sure Nathan isn't gonna be president, but there's nothing stopping Sylar from Barak-ing out and taking over America!  And Danko's about-face makes little sense.  Of all mutants he could have recruited - Sylar?  Really?  And again without Noah around to tell him how this one-of-us-one-of-them thing works?  I'm pretty sure Noah wouldn't help feed the power and danger-level of a sociopathic serial killing mutant.  He could've just asked one mere week ago, asked Tracy to be his partner, or Mohinder, or one of those nameless bodies.  They would've been easier to keep under control, and lets face it, Tracy would've sold anyone (except Micah) out.  Sylar is only in it for his own gain, and making him even more powerful will only end in Danko and everyone on the show being wiped out.  Someone get Matt Parkman jr to activate Peter's full powers STAT before Sylar ends the show!

Do these writers watch Supernatural?  Because come on - more classic rock, and now shapeshifters who make disgusting faces and sounds as they shift?  Candice could do it easy as 1-2-3 and without any nasty side effects.  At least we didn't have to see Sylar shed his skin.  But really, they should've stuck with her style, because I'm not too sure that Sylar can shift his clothes as well, which means he must've felt a little odd when he turned into himself while dressed like a woman.  Though you know, Heroes is still more entertaining than season 4 Supernatural (jus' sayin').

Did anything else happen in this episode?  No.  Then just one more Petrelli comment.  I loved the characterization of Angela in this ep.  I know other ppl will be like "too much EMO!" but really, she's reminding me of Peter's mom in season one, who I thought was a great character and wondered what the heck happened to her as the show went on.  Not that I didn't like her anymore, but I like that we can see her many facets now, that she can still be the woman who stole socks and smacked Peter for saying he knew Nathan was in trouble before the call came, and the woman in the hospital who told Peter he was her favorite.  Let us only hope that this sister of Angela's is as cool as she is.

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